31 May 2010


Hot sunrises are demanding. One minute the air is cool and damp and then all of a sudden it's hot outside. There is absolutely no transition. If you are not totally present to what is happening then you will find yourself sweating immediately. Thankfully, this morning there was a strong breeze blowing from the east causing ocean-like wave breaks along the shore. This helped with keeping me cool. Luckily, I had the presence of mind to walk down to the water to feel the wind balancing the sun.

I'm pretty demanding myself sometimes and I have often given myself a hard time about this. But when I think about it, I can honestly say that my demands have always come from a place of love. Usually I am making demands of someone else to step up and bloom into their full potential. This can be hard to do especially if the other person is resistant (or completely blind) to their greatness. I suppose I'm willing to suffer their rejection and scorn because I believe so strongly that anyone can have anything they want or be anyone they want. It's a matter of decision. We don't get what we deserve. It doesn't matter if you're a "good person" or a "bad person". It's very simple. We get what we consistently think about. Whether those thoughts are conscious or unconscious, our reality reflects our thinking. Period. End of conversation.

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