12 May 2010

Face Value

If you took this day at face value then you wouldn't have much of a day. It's grey outside but not dark grey where an exciting storm is brewing, it's just plain light colourless grey. It's drizzling outside but not heaps of pouring rain that comes in sideways, it's just plain light slightly-annoying drizzle. It's cold outside but not freezing-cold-it's-going-to-snow cold, it's just plain cold enough to make you uncomfortable and wish you were still in bed. On the surface, this day looks like a dud. If that's what you choose to focus on.

However, the lilacs are in full bloom. And I don't mean sort-of-almost-coming-out, I mean full bloom such that you can smell them everywhere even with your windows closed. And, all of the birds are back from their winter holiday. I don't mean there are a few geese and the odd loon flying about. I mean that there are gaggles of geese and hundreds of loons not to mention the flaming red cardinals, shrill blue jays, singing chickadees, bright yellow finches and many many other birds that I can't identify but that my neighbour loves to point out to my children. There is food already coming out of the recently frozen ground. I don't mean just the fiddleheads which are so good for you but bitter and really hard to cook well. I mean there is asparagus everywhere; green, white, raw, cooked, with butter, with olive oil, salty, peppery or plain. That means the strawberries are just around the corner.

You get the picture? It's all about focus. There is so much going on that I can literally change my experience simply by changing my focus today. I think my feet got warmer simply by writing this blog. I can't wait to see how this days unfolds!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Gina, this blog is full of beautiful pictures and interesting insights. I should have been reading it all along.
