30 September 2010

Blanket of Peace

The sky was uniformly overcast this morning. The blanket of thick grey clouds was low on the horizon. It was a though I could almost reach up and touch it. I think if it were one degree colder then there would have been a big mist over the lake.

It's oddly comforting on days like today. The heaviness provides a paradoxical clarity. It's like there is no room for extraneous thoughts; only for what needs to get done. I am grateful for this clarity because it helps direct my actions and gives me a feeling of ease and effortlessness. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other today and things keeps getting done. There are no distractions which is sometimes a blessing. Today, I am thankful for it.

29 September 2010

A Moment of Beauty

I was in a full rush this morning. However, I took the time to break for a few minutes and trot down to the lake to catch the sunrise. I could only stay for a few minutes but it was well worth it. I came to a full stop, took a few pictures, a couple deep breaths and just watched it. The whole experience was over in about 6 minutes but it felt a lot longer than that.

Coming to a full stop, even briefly, is very invigorating. I have noticed that the moments that I am able to stop everything (including the constantly whirring of my mind) then I am able to experience real peace, joy and love. It doesn't take much time to get to this place. What it takes is the commitment to STOP everything for just a few precious minutes. It feels like a mini-surrender where giving in to the moment allows for much more than a break from the chaos.

28 September 2010

Rainy Rainy

It was raining so hard this morning. There was no light anywhere. In fact, it seems as though the sun still isn't up although I know it is. The world was covered in a dull grey rainy glow. It was oddly comforting. I just wanted to snuggle down under some blankets and stay there all day.

The need for rest and recuperation is as real as the need for success and ambition. These things balance each other. Our lives oscillate between the two states: active and passive. You may find that you spend more time in one state versus the other. If this is the case then you might want to notice if this imbalance is a problem for you. Neither state is preferable to the other. In fact, both states are important for different reasons. You would be wise to ensure that your life is a mixture of active and passive states so that you can accomplish your goals while ensuring that you get the rest you need to recover your energy.

27 September 2010


It seemed as though the sun would never rise this morning. That could be because the sky was full of dark clouds that were so thick that no light could pass through. This picture was taken less than 15 minutes before the rising of the sun and it was still almost pitch dark.

To top it all off, I was in a hurry this morning so I couldn't spend a leisurely morning walking along the boardwalk. I could literally feel the desire to rush the sunrise. It was driving me crazy that I couldn't make it happen quicker. This is not the first time that I have felt this hurried-ness. As soon as I noticed it, I stopped and looked around and noticed what was right in front of me. The waves were rhythmically hitting the shore in such a soothing manner that I instantly relaxed and enjoyed the few precious moments that I did have. Paradoxically, rushing around is the exact thing that caused me to take pause and slow down.

26 September 2010

Clarity and Contrasts

The sky was divided this morning. It was either light or dark. There was very little colour. The light was bright, white and slightly golden. The clouds were thick dark and grey. The contrast was stunning. The reflection of the light and dark on the water was truly incredible, a perfect mirror reflection of the sky.

I learn a lot from contrasts in my life. In fact, it often takes a big contrast to illustrate something that was simple in hindsight. Perhaps it's that the contrast offers a completely different perspective on the situation and highlights the options available. There is always another option available but most times we are so focused on what's wrong that we are completely unable to notice the alternatives. Contrasts give us an interruption in our pattern and allows us to see another option.

25 September 2010


The sky was covered in a cool grey blanket of clouds this morning. The air was crisp and clean. It was a classic autumn morning. The sun rose quietly and without fanfare on this lazy Saturday morning. After a week of spectacular sunrises, the sun has most definitely earned a day off.

I find myself contemplative on days like this. I wonder if its because my attention is not focused on a beautiful sunrise. More of my attention is focused inward, taking stock. The power we have to shape our lives is truly amazing. Every once in a while I become acutely aware of this power and a great sense of peace falls over me. Even in the midst of chaos, I know that everything happens for a purpose and that life is exactly as it should be. Sometimes, this is enough to get me through a tough spot. Other times, it take a little more awareness and a few breathing techniques. Even on a tough day, life is a precious gift including all of the challenges that come with it. Without them we would not be who we are.

24 September 2010

Unexpected Beauty

It was rather grey this morning which isn't surprising given all of the rain and inclement weather from the hurricane on the east coast. I didn't have much in the way of expectations for a sunrise this morning. I figured it would just sneak in behind the greyness. You can imagine my surprise when the sky turned a beautiful shade of soft pink, the colour of cotton candy. It was only there for a fleeting moment and then it was gone. But I was there and I noticed it and that made all the difference this morning.

How often do you miss the unexpected surprise because you are looking the other way? They say that successful people are lucky because they are in the right place at the right time. But that's not the whole of it. Successful people are successful because they are in the right place at the right time and they take action. This ability to take action is what separates successful people from everyone else. While most people are frozen, unable to move, successful people are taking action and adjusting their position as they go. Ready, fire, aim.

23 September 2010

The Tipping Point

The autumnal equinox took place last night at 11:09pm in Toronto so today marks the first full day of autumn in the northern hemisphere. The equinox was also marked by a spectacular full moon following the equinox at precisely 5:17am. So as the days turn to more darkness so too does the moon begin it's waning cycle. The equinox marks the tipping of the balance of light and darkness in our days. I watched the tipping point this morning as I simultaneously observed the full moon set in the west while the brilliant sun rose in the east to greet the first day of fall. It was like standing right on the fulcrum of a teeter-totter.

How much of our life moves in cycles? Ebb, flow, wax, wane, up, down, expand, contract. Being alive means being subject to cycles. If you learn to notice which part of the cycle you are in then you can use this to your advantage. It will also make the accomplishment of your goals happen with less effort and more enjoyment. Alternatively, if you work against or out of sync with your cycles then you will find even the simplest of tasks to be a struggle. In the northern hemisphere, it's time to turn inwards. It's time to take stock of the previous year and enjoy the bounty of your harvest. What have you accomplished this year? What is still left to strive for next year? Take a moment to really celebrate your life. You'll never get this moment again.

22 September 2010


I was very aware of the texture of the sky today. I suppose that I thought that all clouds were fluffy but upon closer examination I have discovered that they are not. This morning's stormy sky was full of texture. There were fluffy clouds, flat clouds, rough clouds, smooth clouds. In fact, a portion of the sky looked like someone had dipped their fingers in grey and white paint and smeared it across the sky. I also didn't realize how many shade of gray there were. So much diversity right in front of my eyes.

How diverse is your life? Do you take the same route to work each day? Eat the same things? Do the same activities? What would happen if you didn't? There is a whole world of variety and choice available to you. Life really is a veritable playground. How often do you play in it?

21 September 2010

Imperceptible Change

Everything seemed to move in slow motion this morning. I watched as the sky slowly turned colour. It started our bright red by the horizon and, as the light increased, the whole of the sky turned pink, purple and blue. But I was most fascinated with the actually rising of the sun this morning. I was curious to know how long it actually took to rise from breaking the horizon to being fully up in a blazing circle. I was shocked to discover that it took less than 3 minutes. I was trying to perceive the movement of the earth but it was completely impossible to notice. Yet, we were clearly moving, and moving quickly at that, because the sun went from the horizon to full circle in less than 3 minutes.

The important thing in life is to always keep moving. It also important to notice that you are always growing in each moment and moving in the direction of that growth. It might not feel like it but there is constant movement in your life. Growth is good because the alternative is "not growth" (aka death). There is so much to experience in our sensory world that you could spend your time just looking around at all of the things that you never noticed and still never be able to notice everything. Just keep moving, even if you feel stagnant. Do something different. It will make a world of difference.

20 September 2010

Highway of Light

I stood on the edge of a pier today surrounded by the lake and watched every single movement of the sun as it rose above the horizon. I took the light directly into my eyes and let it wash through me. The light extended from the horizon all the way across the lake landing at my feet at the edge of the pier. It looked like a golden highway leading directly to the sun.

Every once in a while I get this odd sense of connectedness. Like there is no separation at all. It seems that way when we bustle about our lives trying to get something done. But, on mornings such as this one, I just feel the connection. I feel the rhythm. It doesn't last long and it also doesn't take much effort. It just takes a commitment to spend a couple minutes focused on the connection. It, no doubt, positively influences my focus for the rest of the day.

19 September 2010

Shades of Dark

I was up before the sun this morning. In fact, I was up before the light this morning. It was pitch dark when I set out upon the boardwalk. I was shocked at how dark it was. After my eyes adjusted, I realized that there were actual shades of darkness. At first glance, it appeared like there was no colour but over time it became quite clear that there was plenty of colour; just various shades of darkness. There was a distinct point when it was no longer shades of darkness but rather shades of lightness. I definitely noticed it.

There is always a turning point in life. The interesting thing about turning points is that you don't know you have passed the turning point until you are well beyond it and can look backwards. If you aren't sure that you passed your turning point then it's likely that you have not. Keep moving in the direction of your goal. Keep focused on what you want regardless of what life throws your way. Before you know it, you will be looking backwards and seeing your turning point in the rear view mirror.

18 September 2010

Solitary Contemplation

I was the only person on the beach this morning. In a city of nearly 3 million people, there wasn't another soul walking along the boardwalk before sunrise today. Too bad for them because they missed one of the most stunning sunrises ever. It was a colour and light explosion.

I was all too acutely aware of being alone. And then paradoxically, I realized that we are never ever alone. Separation is a concept created by your conscious mind (ego) in an effort to make sense of the wonder and beauty that is our world. As I walked, I became aware of all of the life buzzing around me from the birds to the insects to the sway of the trees and the lull of the waves on the lake. The more I looked, the more I found evidence of being literally surrounded with connection. Then, as if to enunciate this point, I came across a makeshift chair. Someone had fashioned a chair out of rocks and concrete and it sat empty facing the direction of the sunrise. Clearly, I was not alone. Someone had been here before me and they had left evidence of their presence. They had also left a legacy - a comfortable vantage point from which to enjoy a treasured sunrise.

17 September 2010

Simple Gratitude

It was such a simple sunrise this morning. There was a small band of clouds left over from yesterday's torrential rain. It gave a nice contrast to the bands of orange and gold that rimmed the horizon. Simple.

I have been reflecting on that which we consider simple and mundane. We usually move right past such things without so much as a glance. Yet, that which is simple in our lives may not even exists in other people's life. My daughter doesn't like to fold her clothes each week. Yet, as I pointed out to her this morning, there are many children who would gladly take that chore because there are not fortunate enough to have enough clothes to make folding clothes a mundane task. It's always about perspective. I am reminded of this when I suffer a hardship. It could also be worse.

16 September 2010

Gentle Preparations

This picture presents a more gentle look at this morning's sunrise than was the actual case. I suppose it's hard to photograph the wind. It was very windy down by the lake. The welcome cool air was blowing in a storm. The sky is preparing for this storm but not before the sun could sneak through and make its mark for the day.

I love being prepared. In fact, I like preparing things way ahead of time so I can enjoy the moments that lead up to the event. I prefer this to the alternative, which is rushing around at the last minute like a chicken with my head cut off. Don't get me wrong, I do both but prefer the former. Somehow, it allows me to more present when I take my time and get things done ahead of time. I like to savour the last few minutes noticing all that is going on around me. It's more than just physical preparation, it's mental prep as well. In fact, I think that's the most important part.

15 September 2010


The colour was everywhere this morning. It was one of the most breathtaking sights that I have ever seen. The light from the sun reached up and across the entire sky filling it with red, pink, purple and blue. The lake was covered with golden light that spilled across the horizon. I could almost feel the light as it surrounded me.

I feel compelled to write about love this morning. That was dominating feeling as I walked along the beach. Love was everywhere. In the same way that the light extended outwards from the sunrise and touched everything in its path, love was everywhere also. The feeling strengthened as I continued to look for more proof. I started to see evidence of love's presence all around me. It's always there, I know. But, sometimes it's nice to be reminded.

14 September 2010

Golden Glow

The sun rose brilliantly over Lake Ontario this morning. It's good to be home. It was one of those sunrises where it starts with a golden glow and spreads upwards. But as soon as you notice the golden glow then the sun pops up. There isn't a lot of detail and fancy fare. Plain and simple.

I like simple. I wish my life were more simple. I wonder if I fill my life with chaos in order to force growth and resource development. When my life is too chaotic and I hit my breaking point then I am forced to find a new way of being. It may not be the most gentle strategy but it seems to get the job done. If I increase the pressure just slightly higher than I can handle then it forces me to find a way that works. According to Prigogine's work (Nobel Prize Chemistry in 1977), a system under great perturbation will either find a new more complex functioning or it will tend to further chaos. I'm hoping for more complex functioning.

13 September 2010

Repetitive Brilliance

It's another crystal clear and sunny morning in Chicago. In fact, there isn't even a hint of a cloud anywhere in the sky. The sky is so brilliantly blue that it's hard to imagine that the light from the sun is golden. It's almost a complete repeat of yesterday. It must be momentum.

It's amazing how easy it is to keep going when you have momentum. Even challenges that might otherwise stop you and trip you up are easy to overcome when you already have motion and momentum. Newton's third law states that anything in motion tends to stay in motion and anything at rest tends to stay at rest unless acted upon by a considerable force. This is critical understanding. When you are moving then almost nothing can stop you. When you are stuck then it takes a great effort to get moving again. The trick is to always be moving.

12 September 2010

Clear as a Bell

Once again there isn't a cloud in the sky this Chicago morning. It's as if yesterday never existed. What a weird day it was yesterday. Cloudy, rainy, windy and chilly bookended by two gloriously clear and warm days. It's hard to catch a glimpse of the sun rise in this beautiful city as it is hidden amongst the stunning architecture and the multitudes of high rises. But I could see the reflection in many windows. This day is clear as they come.

Have you ever been so clear about something that you had absolutely no doubt about it. Clarity is a gift. Having laser-sharp focus is a critical step in getting what you want. When ever single fiber of your being is congruent to your desire then it is only a matter of time before you have whatever you seek. The more clear you can be about your outcome then the more certain you can be about the steps you must take to obtain or achieve it. Most people don't get what they really want because they do not get clear on the details. Clarity and focus are the keys to your dreams.

11 September 2010

Quick Transition

It was an absolutely gorgeous day in Chicago yesterday. It was hot, sunny and the sky was clear blue with no hint of a cloud. You can imagine my surprise this morning to wake up to a completely overcast grey soggy morning with no chance of seeing the sun rise. The complete transition took place during the night. You wouldn't have guessed that yesterday was the polar opposite of today.

Things CAN change that quickly in your life. In fact, when things do change instantaneously we call them miracles. Given that we have a word for this instantaneous change in our lives that means it must happen more often than we think. Many people believe that real change takes time and that is usually true but it is possible to short-circuit this route making a quantum leap in a very short period of time. It usually involves a massive breakthrough in thinking and operating. Suddenly, things that were immense challenges seem simply and easy to overcome. Results are achieved without struggle and a completely new way of thinking opens up. No one is entirely sure how these miracles happen but I can tell you one thing for certain: you have to at least believe it's possible.

10 September 2010

Hectic Morning

The sunrise snuck up on me this morning. It was a very early morning flight to Chicago with plenty of excitement. We were sitting on the runway waiting for clearance when the red sun burst up over the horizon.

It was a great lesson in slowing down this morning. It's so easy to miss the details when you are rushing around being busy. I often wonder what other beautiful things that I have overlooked in my life during periods of being really busy. That sunrise this morning was spectacular and I am glad that we had to sit on the runway because the pause allowed me to notice it. Perhaps we need more pauses.

09 September 2010


The morning sky was uniformly grey this morning. In fact, it looked like a big sheet of cotton that fell right into the water. The sun was not making an appearance this morning. It was a day off for the sun. Just as well so I could actually get some work done today.

There are creative days and there are work days. This is definitely a working day. I get into a specific state on my work days. I get very focused on the tasks at hand so I can get then done. It's interesting to notice how this narrow focus prevents me from seeing much else. This is a good thing on days like today but it could be a problem if I lived like this all the time because I would lose sight of the big picture.

08 September 2010


Changing weather usually means a stunning sunrise. Today was no exception. It was easy to see the coming storm front against the golden glow of the early morning. The contrast between light and dark was hard to miss. It was breathtaking to observe the dark storm clouds make their way across the golden sky obscuring all the light as they went.

Contrasts provide context for our experience. We need to know darkness so we can recognize light. It has been said that the feminine seeks to create unlove so that she can know love. Likewise, the masculine seeks to create chaos so he can know freedom. Part of human experience means contemplating the polar opposites. In fact, increased polarity of opposites seems to increase clarity. It is only in the darkest of rooms that we recognize the faint glimmer of light.

07 September 2010

Misty Illusions

It was such a beautiful, crisp morning. There was a thick mist on top of the lake's surface. It was so subtle that you couldn't tell where the lake ended and the sky began. It gave the illusion of infinite continuity. The temperature of the air dropped dramatically as I reached the edge of the lake. It was like being enveloped in a completely different world. The sun did wonders with the clouds and the mist this morning reflecting a carnival of light and colour across the sky lighting the way for hundreds of Canada geese undoubtedly making their way southward.

This idea of infinite continuity has really stuck with me this morning. It has been said that we are all "one" and that there is no "other". The conscious mind constructs an illusion of separation between us. But, it is only an illusion. Mornings such as this one have me believing that there is an infinite continuity but that we don't perceive it consciously and therefore doubt the truth overall. It has been said that your unconscious mind is not capable of perceiving separation and therefore takes everything personally as if whatever you do to other you actually do to yourself. If you judge others, you therefore judge yourself. If you harm others, you are ultimately harming yourself. You can do all of the positive thinking in the world but if you are still holding another person in disregard then you are also hurting yourself. This is a powerful concept. Perhaps we should take the advice we have heard in the past - do unto others as you would have done unto you.

06 September 2010


I'm not convinced that the sun even wanted to rise this morning it was so hidden by clouds. In fact, it's still pretty grey out long past the time of the sunrise. I think the sun is taking the day off today.

It's funny how the sunrise so often reflects exactly where I am at. I definitely need a day off today. Perhaps the overcast day will encourage me to turn inwards today and take care of myself. In our busy harried world, we forget to take downtime and slow down. But we need to rejuvenate properly so we can have the energy we need to live our lives to the fullest.

05 September 2010


The sunrise was a picture-perfect one this morning. The air was crisp, clear and cloudless. The sun rose on time without much fanfare, performing its duty.

How do you decide what are your duties and what are not? What criteria make it a duty, aside from a paying job? Is it obligation? Mutual expectation? Do you perform duties with joy or resentment? These are all valid questions because my guess is that if you performed your duties with joy and excitement then the whole quality of your life experience would be raised. After all, this morning's sunrise was just beautiful as yesterday's.

04 September 2010

Preconceived Notions

How many people can identify the skyline in this gorgeous sunrise photo? Very few, I imagine. It's the Detroit city skyline and this photo is stunning. As you can see, the sunrise extended outwards from the centre reaching all the way to the skyline. What a great shot!

Yet, how many people have a preconceived notion about Detroit. This perspective on Detroit prevents you from ever looking more closely to what it has to offer. For one thing, the architecture in Detroit is fabulous. The waterfronts in Detroit and Windsor were developed with people in mind so there are beautiful gardens, playgrounds, sidewalks. It is truly amazing what you can find when you are looking for beauty versus playing along with any preconceived notions.

03 September 2010


The sun has been slowly moving across the sky since the summer solstice on the 21st of June. It is almost at its halfway point. So, it was odd to see the big cloud lit up this morning with reds and golds so far away from where the sun would actually rise.

Confusion is a misunderstood state. Most people think it's bad to be confused and they shy away from it. Actually, confusion is a profound state. It usually signals newness and change. Confusion indicates that your current model of reality is being challenged and possibly shifted, if you allow it so. Confusion usually precedes a breakthrough in your life. You should welcome confusion and sink right into when it overcomes you. The only way to the other side is right through the middle.

02 September 2010

Lazy Days

The sunrise was slow this morning. Even the sky turned colour slowly. I suppose the heat wave has gotten to the sun as well. I am finding it difficult to get up the energy to do anything productive. Perhaps this is why siestas were invented?

There are days like this every once in a while. I have come to learn to slow down and accept the lethargy. I usually reframe this slow time as creative time. This is time where new ideas are being formed deep in my mind. It takes more energy than you think and so the overwhelming feeling of tiredness needs to be heeded and acted upon. Yes, acted upon with sleep, rest and all others things inward.

01 September 2010

Hazy Anticipation

The sun hesitated behind the cedar and pine trees this morning. It seemed a though it would never actually appear. The light was muted by the thick august haze that is so usual this time of year. It was like being in a dream.

So many things actually happen during time spent waiting. It seems as though waiting is the most boring thing you can do. But if you actually pay attention then you will notice a myriad of happenings going on. It all depends on your attention and your focus.