07 September 2010

Misty Illusions

It was such a beautiful, crisp morning. There was a thick mist on top of the lake's surface. It was so subtle that you couldn't tell where the lake ended and the sky began. It gave the illusion of infinite continuity. The temperature of the air dropped dramatically as I reached the edge of the lake. It was like being enveloped in a completely different world. The sun did wonders with the clouds and the mist this morning reflecting a carnival of light and colour across the sky lighting the way for hundreds of Canada geese undoubtedly making their way southward.

This idea of infinite continuity has really stuck with me this morning. It has been said that we are all "one" and that there is no "other". The conscious mind constructs an illusion of separation between us. But, it is only an illusion. Mornings such as this one have me believing that there is an infinite continuity but that we don't perceive it consciously and therefore doubt the truth overall. It has been said that your unconscious mind is not capable of perceiving separation and therefore takes everything personally as if whatever you do to other you actually do to yourself. If you judge others, you therefore judge yourself. If you harm others, you are ultimately harming yourself. You can do all of the positive thinking in the world but if you are still holding another person in disregard then you are also hurting yourself. This is a powerful concept. Perhaps we should take the advice we have heard in the past - do unto others as you would have done unto you.

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