05 May 2010

Looking Further

It was a rainy night. This makes for a challenging sunrise. Today was no exception. The eastern sky was filled with dark rain clouds. Some might give up. Others may say that there was no sunrise. But today, I decided to look further. Instead of focusing my attention to what was wrong (i.e. dark clouds in the east), I made a commitment to look for what was right. Take a look at my picture from today. That was the sky in the west. Not where you would normally find a picturesque sunrise photo but because of the darkness in the eastern sky, it was utterly beautiful.

Then, I got an idea. What else could I find that was right and beautiful about this morning. At that moment, I noticed the smell; the sweet smell of freshly fallen rain. I don't know if it's the wet grass or the wet wood on the boardwalk or just the air but the smell is so fresh and uplifting. The birds were going nuts with their symphony at dawn. I think even the squirrels were a little giddy. Or maybe it was just me?

I love this quiet time in the morning. I cherish it. It doesn't matter to me what the quality of the sunrise is. In fact, I would argue that a less than spectacular sunrise forces me to find inspiration in the ordinary miracles that surround me everyday. It is the trials and tribulations in our lives that challenge us to seek beauty in unexpected places. That's the basis of every gratitude exercise on the planet. Look around at what you have and find gratitude for it. That is what will bring you more of what you love.

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