09 May 2010

Happy Mother's Day

The sun must be a "mom" because it is taking the morning off today (ha ha). Seriously, it is winter-like out there this morning. The temperature is one degree above zero and to say the sky is overcast would be an understatement. I am feeling compelled to use the word "icky".

I'm going to take this day as a cue that I need some downtime. It's the kind of day where you look outside and then put on another sweater, build a fire in the fireplace and dive under a warm blanket. It's a definitive day. There is no "maybe" about this kind of day. There's a certainty that comes with it because it is so nasty out. There is a quote by Werner Erhart "when you take a stand, other people find out who THEY are." I love that quote. Now, the day may yet get better but at sunrise the day was screaming "stay in, nap and take a down day".

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