29 April 2010

Perfectly Balanced

What a stunning morning. As I set out to row this morning, I was greeted with the biggest, brightest full moon as she was setting in the western sky. This moon set was perfectly balanced with the fiery arrival of the sun in the eastern sky. I felt like I was in the centre of a teeter-totter. Balance was definitely the theme of my morning.

I haven't rowed in about a decade and I haven't been an "8" since university. But that's exactly what I did this morning at sunrise. It was awesome. There is nothing like a group of 8 people all pulling the water in the same direction. The power and the synchronicity is why I love it. The issue in the boat this morning was balance. The starboard rowers were pulling too high forcing us port side rowers down. Basically, the boat was off-balance. No balance = more work. After a few quick instructions from the coach, we were in balance. The boat feels like its flying when it is in balance. I love that feeling. Balance isn't a static state. Quite the contrary! Balance is a dynamic state where every little movement changes the situation. Balance requires presence. The reward for balance is seemingly effortless results.

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