03 January 2010


So far the sunrises in 2010 have not been "textbook". Just when I thought the weather couldn't possibly get any worse...it did. I have never seen such wind. Even though it's 9:38 in the morning and the sun has been risen for almost 2 hours, it is still pretty darkish outside. I can't help but wonder if the sun knows how wild the wind is down here on earth obscuring the warmth and glow of the sun. It is C-O-L-D. I think it's about -30C with the wind chill factor. Frankly, we could use a little sunshine.

The wind is blowing so hard that my son made a very insightful comment at breakfast this morning. He said, "look, it's snowing sideways and a little bit up". He's right. It is snowing UP! My insight about this string of non-sun-sunrises is to notice that even when it seems like that bad times will never end, they always do. I know that this weather will eventually subside. I'm reminded of an old saying "this too shall pass".

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