28 January 2010

Desert Sun

The unusual rain has stopped in Las Vegas giving way to a beautiful, bright and shiny desert sun. It's a new day. If the sun feels as rested as I do then we are both off to a great start. It is amazing how easy it is to focus on what you want when you feel well rested and rejuvenated. It doesn't take much, just some sleep and some downtime. I know it's not always possible in our crazy hectic lives but even if you can carve out 15 minutes to breathe deeply and close your eyes then you will be doing yourself a big favour.

It's easier to focus on what you want when your body isn't tugging at you with fatigue. It's easier to choose positive emotions when you have equilibrium inside in terms of your biochemistry. It's easier to choose a powerful physiology when your body is well rested and used to getting regular exercise. When all of these 3 components are in alignment then life will just flow.

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