30 July 2010


I'll be honest with you. I didn't want to go walking this morning, I just wanted to stay in my warm, cozy bed and watch the sun rise from there. But something pulled me out of bed. That same thing pulled me all the way to the edge of the lake. The lake was flat, the air was nice and cool and the sunrise was so clear. I was walking for about 2 minutes when I came across this heart in the sand. The cool part for me was that it contained my initial and my husband's initial. What are the chances?

I know that this type of thing happens more than we acknowledge. We always chalk it up to coincidence. I live by a belief that there are no coincidences; that each moment is significant to our experience. Based on this belief, I try to pay attention to what is right in front of me so I can take the next step on my path. I'm not sure if this is really "true" but then again, how can you ever know what's true for sure. Perhaps it's true because I make it so. I can tell you one thing for sure, it's a lot of fun to live this way.

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