14 August 2010

Subtly Graceful

There is a thin layer of cloud today. It's like a veil, not quite thick enough to be called overcast but hearty enough to uniformly cover the sky. The light gets through though with no effort. This type of light is close to white; it's not really coloured or variant at all. The word graceful springs to mind.

When I was a little girl, my mom used to say to me "Gina, if you have to tell people that you're graceful then you're probably not". What she meant was you need to BE who you are instead of tell people about who you are. You know, "actions speak louder than words". I think this is the great paradox of being human. We ultimately yearn for the freedom to express who really are while at the same time we are terrified to let people see our truest nature. The heart yearns to be free to love while the brain yearns keep things safe and predictable. You know who I'm cheering for :)

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