12 October 2010

Fast Changes

The sky was completely overcast this morning. There was not chance of a sunrise. It wasn't even worth taking a picture. Yet, within a few hours, the whole day had turned around. The strong wind blew the clouds away. Then, another hour later and the same wind blew in a new set of clouds. The whole day has been a series of changes.

Life is a series of changes. Just when you think you've got it figured out, everything changes. That's the whole purpose of life - growing and changing. In fact, I once heard a saying that if you are not growing then you are dying. Change is often associated with an increase in energy. If you are not used to the energy then change can be slightly painful because there is more energy flowing through your system then previously accustomed. The only thing to do is wait it out and know that everything is exactly as it should be.

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