26 March 2010

Cold and Beautiful

It seems that the coldest days bring the clearest skies which tend to be dramatic sunrises. I suppose it's a trade-off. Colder = Clearer. On one hand the cold day is not a good thing but on the other hand it is great. Hmm. Paradox. I think all of life's challenge can be translated into paradoxes. There is always a flip side to a situation that changes its meaning.

Reframing (as it is called) is really useful with kids. You can always alter the meaning of a situation by reframing it for kids. They really get it when you present an alternative meaning, especially if it really makes sense. This technique also works on its own (i.e. you can reframe something for yourself). This is just a function of finding a new context or a new meaning where the situation makes sense. I have yet to find anything that I can't reframe.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gina,

    What a georgeous photo. I just discovered you through Debra Thompson. You are awesome. I happen to find this site on your sunrises and thought "WOW" someone else like me. I love getting up in the morning to take photos of the sunrise in my back yard...I live in California. I wanted to start a blog about sunrises, but I talked myself out it it...how odd I found this blog??? BTW...I read your blog from NYC. I went to NYC for the first time this year and loved the energy...absolutely fantastic.I am focusing on the idea of going back! Thank you so much for sharing your sunrises...now I have a picture to look at when I'm too lazy to get out of bed to take my own! lol I listened to your interview with Debra 3 times. You taught me so much in that one interview. I'm a true follower of your. Please keep up the wonderful work.
