22 March 2010

Beautiful Disharmony

The sky looks confused this morning. There are dark clouds mixed in with the blue sky. It makes for a very dramatic sunrise. The contrast between the lightness and the darkness is quite stark. In fact, parts of the dark sky look almost purplish. And yet there is great beauty in this scene. The difference between the darkness and the light is what heightens the drama. A dark sky is beautiful and a light sky is beautiful but when you put them together there is an alchemy that emphasizes the beauty. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Being able to see the big picture is a good skill to have. In NLP, we call it "chunking up". All problems eventually disappear if you just get up high enough. This is the basis for any conflict resolution. You have to find the common ground and you usually have to get into the big picture to find it. Once common ground is established then you can move back into the details, all the while maintaining your big picture thinking. The next time you have a problem, try chunking up until it doesn't seem to be a problem anymore.

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