27 January 2011


Money is such a touchy subject for so many people. But money is just the representation of value on a piece of paper. Money is an agreement. You agree to provide a good or a service and I agree to trade you my money for that. It's just an agreement. Yet, we make such a big deal about it. Wars are fought over it. Marriages dissolve over it. It holds so much power over us.Yet, it just represents value. It is a result. Therefore, it is a reflection of value provided.

I work on detaching from my attachment of needing money. I like money. I want money. I like to use money both in getting it and giving it away. Most importantly, I respect money. My good deed involves lending some money to a friend. One thing I have discovered about lending money to a friend. You can't do it if you are attached to getting it back. Of course, I want it back but I am not attached. That's the paradox. Money flows where attention goes.

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