06 December 2010

Snowy Sunrise

There was a beautiful brilliant surprise this morning: a soft blanket of snow. The air always seems more peaceful after a snowfall. Perhaps the vibration of the snow crystals changes the air somehow. There was no wind, just gently falling snow. They were the kind of snowflakes you used to make out of paper when you were kid - lots of beautiful detail.

I got to thinking how each snowflake is unique. It's really hard to imagine when there is so much snow falling at one time. Yet, each and every one is different. It's the same with people. We like to think that we are the same but we're not. We're each very unique. Yes, of course, we are similar but no two people are exactly the same. That's the point. Your potential is your potential. It cannot be realized by anyone other than you. You aren't going to get any permission to be who you are. You just have to take your space and become who you are now.

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