20 December 2010

Icy Reality

The state of the dock this morning reminded me that it really is winter. Despite the fact that it hasn't really been that cold and there hasn't really been that much snow, the icicles clinging to the side of the dock were a telltale sign that this is more than just a passing fancy. They look so beautiful when the lake is calm because you can't imagine how they possibly formed unless you know that they form when the lake is raging and the water is constantly washing over the top of the dock and freezing on its way down.

I love ice because it represents transformation to me. Despite being an adult and trained in chemical engineering, I am still fascinated with ice. Well, really it's water in its many forms that fascinates me. Water can be the most submissive and docile substance on earth taking the shape of any container. Paradoxically water can be one of the most destructive and powerful forces on earth in the form of a raging waterfall or thundering ice floe. Same substance, different form. Metaphorically, we also have powerful transformative abilities being able to adapt to our circumstances in many creative ways. The person who is willing to continuously transform and grow will ultimately prosper a very full life.

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