04 February 2010

Waiting for It

The last day has been very challenging for me. I did not feel like getting up this morning to watch the sunrise. I was up very late AND had west coast jet lag. All in all, I got about 3 hours of sleep. Yet, my body instinctively knows when to wake up about an hour before sunrise. I wanted to stay in my warm bed. However, I realize that this practice is a discipline. I recently heard a great quote - don't give it everything you've got but rather give it everything it TAKES! So, this morning, I gave more than I thought I had.

I am so glad that I did. The sunrise was nothing short of spectacular. It started out breathtaking. The sky was red from the very first light of dawn. I thought it was beautiful at that point. But what astonished me was how good it actually got as the sunrise progressed. By the time the sun actually rose, the entire sky was red, gold, pink and purple. It got better as it went along. I was struck with the realization of how I often write something off as being prematurely finished when perhaps if I just wait a little longer it will get better than I could ever have imagined. This gives me hope on the days that I struggle. Maybe something amazing is just around the corner??

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