The sunrise this morning was breathtaking all the way through. I know because I watched it emerge from the darkness and build moment by moment to the grand entrance. The lake was dead calm and there was a person in sight. Again, I wondered "who is running this whole show". I mean it's a lot to coordinate. There's the sunrise of course but there are also all the birds, the flowers that need opening, the dew that needs creating etc. I could go on and on. It's a good thing that I'm not in charge because I know I would forget something critical.
This same force is at work for me in my life. I often forget this thinking that I have do it all by myself. But that's as crazy as thinking that I'd have to orchestrate a sunrise. There are just too many moving parts for me to think that I have any control whatsoever. In fact, the less I meddle the more I get results that I like. Perhaps the key to all of this is to be able to function inside the paradox that it's all outside of my control and yet I've got to live at 100% and give it all I've got!
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