I had fun this morning. Check out the first picture. It's awesome what your focus can find when you have an intention to find what's right. Who can't smile when they see the back of that jeep? I love it. Don't even get me started on how gorgeous the sunrise was this morning. The picture doesn't do it justice. If you look closely you might see the column of golden light that was rising straight up from the sun and touching the cloud above it. It was surreal.
We are surrounded by beauty and joy and love. It's everywhere. Not only that but it's our natural state. We ARE love. Everything else is an illusion. It's an illusion to prevent us from changing and keep us in some sort of perceived safety. Any time you feel blocked to this truth, just breath into it and remember who you really are. I did that this morning and it felt amazing. It's profound what a few deep breaths will do to circulate the energy in your body and return a state of peace.
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