29 May 2010

Balancing Act

I came across the rock formations during my walk this morning. I've seen these things before but they never cease to amaze me. The artist has a firm understanding of balance and what it really takes to achieve it. The whole morning was about balance. If you look closely in the rock photo you will see the almost full, gently waning, moon setting in the distance. This is balanced by the fiery sunrise in the second photo. Balance was definitely in my awareness this morning.

Have you ever considered that it's possible that the only way to really define and/or experience something is by first experiencing the complete opposite? In this context, all experiences would be worth having. On one hand, we all love to experience positive emotions and happy memories. On the other hand, perhaps all of the negative emotions and challenging times are really serving a purpose because they serve to highlight the contrast and thereby deepen any experience of the positive. Another way of looking at it is this: if you really want to experience the amazing heights of your life then you have to also be willing to explore the depths in order to maintain the balance.

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