31 May 2010


Hot sunrises are demanding. One minute the air is cool and damp and then all of a sudden it's hot outside. There is absolutely no transition. If you are not totally present to what is happening then you will find yourself sweating immediately. Thankfully, this morning there was a strong breeze blowing from the east causing ocean-like wave breaks along the shore. This helped with keeping me cool. Luckily, I had the presence of mind to walk down to the water to feel the wind balancing the sun.

I'm pretty demanding myself sometimes and I have often given myself a hard time about this. But when I think about it, I can honestly say that my demands have always come from a place of love. Usually I am making demands of someone else to step up and bloom into their full potential. This can be hard to do especially if the other person is resistant (or completely blind) to their greatness. I suppose I'm willing to suffer their rejection and scorn because I believe so strongly that anyone can have anything they want or be anyone they want. It's a matter of decision. We don't get what we deserve. It doesn't matter if you're a "good person" or a "bad person". It's very simple. We get what we consistently think about. Whether those thoughts are conscious or unconscious, our reality reflects our thinking. Period. End of conversation.

30 May 2010

Peace and Quiet

I am in London, ON this morning and went for a walk near a beautiful seminary. There was something uniquely peaceful about this location. The sun rose up and over the building and created a halo effect of light. Just looking at it filled me with a sense of calm.

This is another example of the power of focus. There are always a million things to focus on and your experience will be shaped by the choice that you make about your focus. It was a cliche morning with the birds singing and the cloudless rosy sunrise. I walked around and around this seminary drinking in the peace that was literally oozing from its walls. The closer I got the more peaceful I felt. Perhaps I was sharpening my focus to look for more and more peace. All I know is that as I sit here to write this I feel an inner peace deep inside me where before there was none.

29 May 2010

Balancing Act

I came across the rock formations during my walk this morning. I've seen these things before but they never cease to amaze me. The artist has a firm understanding of balance and what it really takes to achieve it. The whole morning was about balance. If you look closely in the rock photo you will see the almost full, gently waning, moon setting in the distance. This is balanced by the fiery sunrise in the second photo. Balance was definitely in my awareness this morning.

Have you ever considered that it's possible that the only way to really define and/or experience something is by first experiencing the complete opposite? In this context, all experiences would be worth having. On one hand, we all love to experience positive emotions and happy memories. On the other hand, perhaps all of the negative emotions and challenging times are really serving a purpose because they serve to highlight the contrast and thereby deepen any experience of the positive. Another way of looking at it is this: if you really want to experience the amazing heights of your life then you have to also be willing to explore the depths in order to maintain the balance.

28 May 2010

Hot and Sunny

Well summer has definitely sprung here in Toronto. I swear it was 30 degrees when I got up this morning. Well, maybe not 30 but it was hot. Less than two weeks ago I was wearing a hat on my morning walks!!! The summer just descends on Toronto in one swift motion. I think it's safe to say that it's here.

It makes me think of taking action in my own life. Sometimes we need to just take swift and definitive action to get the job done. This action might be a little scary and it might be unproven but it almost always produces results. It does this because it breaks the inertia of inactivity and this causes things to start flowing again. When you're stuck, the best thing you can do is take an action. The bolder, the better!

27 May 2010

Hot and Hazy

It's a typical NY summer day albeit it's only May 27th but it feels like summer nonetheless. The humidity is about 200% and it's already hot and sunny. It's so hard to see the sunrise in this place unless you are standing on the banks of the East River. Last night's sunset was spectacular again because we happened to be on a rooftop patio overlooking the Hudson. Perhaps I should have written a sunset blog whilst in New York.

There is something peculiar about today. It is May 27th and I have five good friends with birthdays today. In fact, from the period 24 May to 28 May, I have a total of 11 friends who share birthdays. This is odd. There are a very disproportionate number of May Gemini's in my life. In fact, the other night, I was out for dinner with my very good friend Alana who is born today. We were joined by my other very good friend Sara who is also born today. That was weird enough. But it gets better. Sara's boyfriend, Edward is a Scorpio born on November 18th which also happens to be my birthday. So, there we were: four people sharing only two birthdays between us. That had to be more than coincidence. When things like happen I start to pay attention to other things. What am I meant to be learning or noticing from these odd events. Perhaps these people contain a lesson for me. I know one thing for sure. The people born during this stretch of May have all had a major impact in my life. That's for sure.

26 May 2010

Hiding Out

It's hard to find the sunrise in New York City. It's always hiding behind one of the over 5,000 buildings in Manhattan. It was a beautiful morning though, warm and sunny. Even though I couldn't see the sun, I knew it was hiding somewhere doing its thing. We had a beautiful view of the sunset over the Hudson river last night. Even in this concrete jungle there is still plenty of natural gorgeousness. I suppose it all depends on what you focus on.

A good friend asked me what I was spending my time focusing on. This friend suggested that I write a list of all the great things, accomplishments and kudos that have happened recently and then focus on them. The emotional shift is amazing. I could actually feel the energy change as my emotions shifted. Many people don't like NYC because it is busy and grimy and I can definitely see why they would notice these things. But it is also full of energy, bustling with diversity and surrounded by beauty. The paths that run along the Hudson River and the East River are among the prettiest river strolls that I have ever done. A ten minute walk from Wall Street itself puts you on a pier on the East River soaking up the glorious sun. Your experience all depends on what you choose to focus on.

25 May 2010

Hazy and Lazy

The sky was really hazy this morning. The whole sunrise looked like it took place behind a sheer veil. It was quite pretty with the muted beauty. It reminded me of the colours in the desert - beautiful in an understated way. It was really hot yesterday so perhaps the sun was feeling exhausted from all that heat giving and decided to be a little lazy this morning and hide out in the haze.

I, on the other hand, will not be hiding out anywhere. I am on my way to NYC for the Book Expo America. This will be a whirlwind of extroversion. I'll be staying sane by watching my beloved sunrises when the city will be relatively quiet. It is supposed to be very hot and very sunny in New York so I guess the sun will also be "on" for a few days. I'm looking forward to creating a little magic!!

24 May 2010

Restful Warmth

It’s going to be a beautiful day today. The sky is clear and the lake is calm. I am still up at the cottage and made a delightful discovery this morning. The air was freezing when I woke up this morning. I couldn’t bring myself to get out from under the warmth of my blankets. This turned out to be a good thing. Instead of powering through my coldness, I just heeded it and soon discovered that I could watch the sunrise from the warmth of my bed. It rose through the forest, up over my toes and burst into warmth spilling light across my room. What a treat.

There was a time where I would power through no matter what. I wouldn’t pay attention to what was going on around me. I wouldn’t pay attention to signals in myself. This approach often led to irritation, frustration and burn out. I have since discovered how to surrender into the present moment and take action according to the situation as it unfolds. This has led to ease, peace and even delightful surprises as was the case with the sunrise-in-bed discover this morning.

23 May 2010

Gentle Entrance

I’m up at the cottage on this beautiful weekend. I went out kayaking this morning in search of the sunrise. I wasn’t sure where the sun would actually come up. Sure, I knew the general direction but I couldn’t pinpoint the exact location. Usually you can tell where the sun will rise because there is a general concentration of colour and light around a certain spot. This was not the case this morning. The sky was a gorgeous muted colour so it wasn’t obvious where the sun would rise. It wasn’t until I saw the golden light that I knew the spot. It was such a gentle entrance.

It made me think of where I create tension in my own life. For what purpose? What if my life could flow as gently as this morning’s sunrise? I suppose we can either resist what is happening, ignore it or actually embrace it and sink right into it grounded in the faith that it all makes sense somewhere. The little things; the big things; all of it. Trust. Gentle trust. Quiet trust. This morning’s sunrise and last night’s sunset were picturesque examples of gentle surrender. You might not have it all figured out, completed or finalized but at least you can be in that place without also having tension and stress. That’s got to be better for you.

22 May 2010

Sticking With It

The sunrise had to fight for it today. The clouds had moved in overnight and they were doing their best to block out the sun. But the sun was in a feisty mood this morning and didn't give up quite so easily. At one point I noticed that the light had spread itself across the entire sky all the way over to the western portion. There was one colour in particular that I had never seen before. It was a purplish pink orange. Gorgeous!

This whole scene reminded me how important it is to stick with whatever your are doing. Sometimes it's easy just to give up. It may even seem easier than the challenge at hand. But that is precisely when you need to dig deep and discover more resources. You are made of much more than you think you are. There's no question that you can handle absolutely anything that comes your way. It might help to shift your perspective so that you see the obstacles ahead as doing you a great service; the service of finding more of yourself.

21 May 2010

Different Perspectives

What a beautiful morning!! I am out in the country at a spa and the air is so fresh and crisp. Despite driving for almost 2 hours, I still find myself on the shores of majestic Lake Ontario. Therefore I am familiar with the direction and location of the sun's rising. Yet it is completely new to me!!

Due to the orientation of the lake out here the sun actually rises high above the farm houses and lilac bushes. In fact, it doesn't break the horizon of the lake at all. Same lake, different perspective. The cliche is obvious but I would be remiss if I didn't point it out. Perhaps this slight shift in perspective is resposible for the overall sense of well-being that I feel. Then again, it could also be the mudbath!!

20 May 2010

I had fun this morning. Check out the first picture. It's awesome what your focus can find when you have an intention to find what's right. Who can't smile when they see the back of that jeep? I love it. Don't even get me started on how gorgeous the sunrise was this morning. The picture doesn't do it justice. If you look closely you might see the column of golden light that was rising straight up from the sun and touching the cloud above it. It was surreal.

We are surrounded by beauty and joy and love. It's everywhere. Not only that but it's our natural state. We ARE love. Everything else is an illusion. It's an illusion to prevent us from changing and keep us in some sort of perceived safety. Any time you feel blocked to this truth, just breath into it and remember who you really are. I did that this morning and it felt amazing. It's profound what a few deep breaths will do to circulate the energy in your body and return a state of peace.

19 May 2010

Right Through Me

The sunlight literally drove right through me today. I could feel it filling me with energy in the same way that water fills a glass or air fills a balloon. I suppose the key is openness. Even the sky opened up in a very distinct way to allow the sunlight to pour out. Notice in the picture how the only real break in the cloud cover is precisely where the sun is coming up.

I have noticed that the key to receiving what I need is for me to be open. I used this think that others had to give me something or do something for me or say something to me for me to get what I need. But, I have realized that it's backwards thinking. In order to truly get what I need, I actually need to open, especially when I want to close. All that I need, all that I have ever needed is always available all around me. But I have to be open in order to receive it.

18 May 2010

Light Shines Through

At first glance, it looked like a drab, cloudly, grey sunrise. The horizon was filled with thick clouds obscuring any view of the sun actually coming up. Most people would have written it off especially after the amazing sunrises we've been having all week. However, this morning I noticed something different. The sky wasn't completely overcast. Almost, but not completely. There were scallops of openings dragged across the sky. Little holes where the light was clearing pouring through. It looked like a lantern covering.

The light never changes. It's always there. The question is whether there is something blocking the light. And even if there is something big and thick blocking the light, the light can still get through as long as there is an opening. Any opening will do. If you remain open to the truth, if you remain opening to what is happening, if you remain open to reality of your circumstances then the light of who you really are can still get out. The only thing that truly blocks out the light is a total closure. Otherwise, the light will always find a way out.

17 May 2010


What an utterly breathtaking morning. Another amazing dead-calm morning for Lake Ontario. The lake acted as a mirror for the sunrise which doubled its beauty and intensity. At one point, I couldn't decide if I wanted to look directly at the sunrise or watch it unfold on the surface of the water. Both were stunning. It was amazing how the image of the sunrise on the lake was almost identical to the actual sunrise in the sky. Everything was reflected. The only difference was created when a bird would land in the water creating ripples. These ripples would temporarily distort the picture.

Think about how this morning's sunrise clearly shows a simple truth. I'm sure you've heard that everything that happens on the outside is merely a reflection of what's happening on the inside. If you experience beauty in your world, it is simple a reflection of the profound beauty that is already inside of you. This concept is, in and of itself, profound. However, I want to focus on the ripples. The ripples in the lake changed the picture of the sunrise in the lake. If you were just looking at the lake you might think there was something wrong with the sunrise. In actual fact, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the sunrise. It didn't change at all. The ripples caused the illusion of change. But the ripples weren't inherently bad either. They just changed the picture temporarily. Think about how many circumstances in your life have thrown you off course. How the circumstances have led you to believe that your life is anything short of miraculous. Just because the ripples of your life are distorting the picture does not mean that there is anything wrong with the source of the picture. Perhaps you need to remember what is the source and what is the reflection and return to looking at the source.

16 May 2010

Heart Wide Open

I've decided that there is no other way to live. You either live with an open heart or you live with a closed heart. Period. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. You have to decide for yourself. An open heart allows you to feel, to connect and to be in touch with all that is around you. A closed heart may appear to protect you from life's challenges but what it actually does is simply separate you from the support that is everywhere. It is the illusion of protection.

I notice that the sun doesn't protect itself, it always plays full out. It doesn't blame the clouds if they make it hard for a beautiful sunrise. Neither does it rejoice on mornings like this one where it was really easy to create breathtaking beauty. It just does its thing in harmony with everything around it - working with what it has. More importantly, it never (not once) changes itself in order to conform with something external. Never. Sure, there are days where we can't even see the sun for all the clouds but the important thing is that the sun NEVER changes. Closing down is the illusion of protection because in the end it really affords no more protection than full-out exposure. And I think that full-out exposure might be a more fulfilling, certainly more exciting, way to live your life.

15 May 2010

Same Day, Different Perspectives

What a doozy of a morning. The initial sunrise was one of utmost beauty. It was calm, still, glowing and breathtaking. I could have sat and watched it for hours revelling in the beauty and light that it provided. However, I chose instead of keep walking up the boardwalk. I got lost in my thoughts and the next thing I noticed was a stunning ridge of cloud that had made its way into my sunrise's path. At first glance, I was a little peeved at this ridge of cloud. But then I looked further to realize that I could see my angels coming to earth. When I was a kid I used to believe that when I could see the suns rays of light that they were actually angels coming to earth. This thought used to (and still does) comfort me. I could clearly see my angels this morning - you can even see them if you look very closely at the 2nd picture.

Noticing my angels helped me shift inside. I felt it as clearly as one feels a pang of hunger or punch in the stomach. I felt the shift. Maybe it really was an angel helping me from the inside out? Lord knows I was aching for the shift or maybe a shift in my perspective on this morning facilitated a shift. What happened next was just downright cool. I was walking along the sand at this point. Normally I either walk on the boardwalk or right on the edge of the water. I don't usually walk through the sand partially because it's just plain hard to walk in the deeper sand. Anyway, there I was walking where I don't normally walk and BLAM! I walked right into the word "L-O-V-E" that someone had spelled out in rocks in the very place that I was walking right in the middle of the beach. I literally walked right into LOVE. Coincidence? I highly doubt it. Could it be related to a shift in my focus both internally and externally? Highly likely. Or (this is my favourite explanation) maybe my angels came down and put the word on the beach for me to remind me of something very important.

14 May 2010


Not much of a sun today. This happens. What I noticed today is that I found my eyes focusing on the other things around me because I didn't have the sun to distract my gaze. The lake caught my attention today. At first glance, it looked tumultuous because the waves were quite large and they were loudly crashing on the shore. However, upon closer examination I noticed that the lake was actually quite calm and rhythmic. The waves kept coming over and over over again but they were evenly spaced, predictable and oddly soothing. There was a definite rhythm.

How often in my own life have I denied the rhythmic waves that run through me? I was afraid of them - afraid that they meant there was something wrong. In actual fact, they were often proof that I was alive, feeling and living in my body. What's the purpose of the body if you can't feel it? The waves are the indicators of these feelings. When you accept the waves then they become soothing and comforting. They don't go away but acknowledging and accepting their presence transforms them.

13 May 2010


There was an opening in the sky this morning and therefore the sun could make a glorious appearance. The surrounding clouds only served to enhance this entrance by providing a medium to reflect the sun's light back on itself. The key to this morning's beauty was the opening. Simply opening changed everything.

I have been noticing a theme of opening everywhere in my life. I'm not entirely sure I know what it means yet but I am starting to grasp the enormity of the concept. Opening doesn't mean just being open to the good things. Opening means being open regardless of what surrounds you. In fact, paradoxically, when you can open to the pain and negativity around you then you will be truly open to receive the blessings. Being open is our purpose. Being open allows us to let our love and light shine through us. When we close down in order to protect ourselves we do prevent negativity from coming in. However, the great loss is that we also prevent our greatness from coming out.

12 May 2010

Face Value

If you took this day at face value then you wouldn't have much of a day. It's grey outside but not dark grey where an exciting storm is brewing, it's just plain light colourless grey. It's drizzling outside but not heaps of pouring rain that comes in sideways, it's just plain light slightly-annoying drizzle. It's cold outside but not freezing-cold-it's-going-to-snow cold, it's just plain cold enough to make you uncomfortable and wish you were still in bed. On the surface, this day looks like a dud. If that's what you choose to focus on.

However, the lilacs are in full bloom. And I don't mean sort-of-almost-coming-out, I mean full bloom such that you can smell them everywhere even with your windows closed. And, all of the birds are back from their winter holiday. I don't mean there are a few geese and the odd loon flying about. I mean that there are gaggles of geese and hundreds of loons not to mention the flaming red cardinals, shrill blue jays, singing chickadees, bright yellow finches and many many other birds that I can't identify but that my neighbour loves to point out to my children. There is food already coming out of the recently frozen ground. I don't mean just the fiddleheads which are so good for you but bitter and really hard to cook well. I mean there is asparagus everywhere; green, white, raw, cooked, with butter, with olive oil, salty, peppery or plain. That means the strawberries are just around the corner.

You get the picture? It's all about focus. There is so much going on that I can literally change my experience simply by changing my focus today. I think my feet got warmer simply by writing this blog. I can't wait to see how this days unfolds!

11 May 2010

Part of It All

This morning when I was walking, I got a real sense of how we are all connected. It happened I I was walking right along the shoreline. I suppose that I noticed at one point that I was practically in the lake. I was most definitely right at its edge. This was highlighted by the fact that the sand bank rose sharply beside creating the illusion that I was down below something. I felt very connected to the lake at that point. I know that sounds kind of corny but it's just what overcame me in the moment. I felt as though I could just walk straight into the lake and disappear forever.

Perhaps that's what nature does for us: it reminds us that we are part of something bigger. I walk down by this lake almost every single day. I see birds every single morning. Are they the same birds? Are they following a routine like me? Or are they completely different birds each morning on their way to another lake? Yesterday, I saw an otter. At least I think it was an otter. Maybe it was a seal (lol). It was just swimming about in the water and didn't seem frightened by me at all. Maybe the birds and the otters know that we are all connected and this concept doesn't baffle them. My problems didn't seem so huge when I stood at the edge of the lake today. I guess contemplating the fact that my problems are pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of the whole universe helped to bring it all into perspective.

10 May 2010

Short, Sweet and to the Point

It was freezing out this morning. Well, OK, not quite freezing. It was two degrees above zero. Truth be told, I would have preferred my warm down duvet this morning. For some reason, it's OK for it to be two degrees in the winter but in the spring, it's just not OK. I think the sun was feeling the same way. There wasn't any pomp and circumstance this morning - just a general lightening of the sky with the appropriate amount of colour.

It was beautiful but it was pretty much textbook this morning. I was so grateful when the sun broke the horizon because it offered just a shred more heat and felt so good on my face. Today I got a sense of the level of mundane details that go on all around us. There are so many processes that we never even think about: flowers opening, birds sleeping, wind blowing etc. I was so grateful for all of it this morning. That type of gratitude filled me with a warmth on the inside. It was exactly what I needed on this cold morning.

09 May 2010

Happy Mother's Day

The sun must be a "mom" because it is taking the morning off today (ha ha). Seriously, it is winter-like out there this morning. The temperature is one degree above zero and to say the sky is overcast would be an understatement. I am feeling compelled to use the word "icky".

I'm going to take this day as a cue that I need some downtime. It's the kind of day where you look outside and then put on another sweater, build a fire in the fireplace and dive under a warm blanket. It's a definitive day. There is no "maybe" about this kind of day. There's a certainty that comes with it because it is so nasty out. There is a quote by Werner Erhart "when you take a stand, other people find out who THEY are." I love that quote. Now, the day may yet get better but at sunrise the day was screaming "stay in, nap and take a down day".

08 May 2010


The lake was really wavy this morning. In fact, it looked like the ocean in a storm. The swell started somewhere out in the middle of the lake and made big crashing sounds when it hit the shore. Perhaps the lake was miffed that the sunrise was nonexistent: blocked out by a think layer of low storm clouds. On top of all that, it was freezing out and really windy. Not the nicest day of all time. A good time to reflect on how well we cope with perturbation and disappointment.

I think they key is flow. You can't control any circumstances but you can control your response: your flow. Instead of resisting the nastiness of this morning, I just worked with it. It was a still a beautiful walk in the fresh air. I looked at different things. I appreciated how the lake looked like the ocean and pretended that I was walking along the ocean's edge. Maybe something better is just around the corner and this is the preparation for it. Maybe the lake is doing a little spring cleaning of its own. I know that one thing's for sure. Tomorrow is another day!

07 May 2010

Something Bigger

This morning I awoke with the sense that there really was something bigger going on here. It didn't help that I was up shortly after 3:30am and had lots of quiet time to contemplate this. I started observing everything I could sense. It didn't take long for me to wonder who was running this whole show? I mean really??

The sunrise this morning was breathtaking all the way through. I know because I watched it emerge from the darkness and build moment by moment to the grand entrance. The lake was dead calm and there was a person in sight. Again, I wondered "who is running this whole show". I mean it's a lot to coordinate. There's the sunrise of course but there are also all the birds, the flowers that need opening, the dew that needs creating etc. I could go on and on. It's a good thing that I'm not in charge because I know I would forget something critical.

This same force is at work for me in my life. I often forget this thinking that I have do it all by myself. But that's as crazy as thinking that I'd have to orchestrate a sunrise. There are just too many moving parts for me to think that I have any control whatsoever. In fact, the less I meddle the more I get results that I like. Perhaps the key to all of this is to be able to function inside the paradox that it's all outside of my control and yet I've got to live at 100% and give it all I've got!

06 May 2010

Never Compromise

The sunrise was really beautiful this morning following a night of thunder and rain. The sun doesn't hold any grudges. It just shows up in the morning and makes its entrance. If there are clouds in the way then so be it. If the clouds are done their work then so be it. The sun never compromises who it is regardless of the circumstances that surround it. Furthermore, often the sun uses the current circumstances to create beautiful effects. There was a point this morning as the sun rose into the sky where it was blocked by a cloud. Its rays however were not blocked and it created golden streams of light. When I was a kid I used to think those rays of light were angels coming down from heaven to help out here on earth. A small part of me still hopes that story is true.

I think where most people, me included, compromise their true nature is when they are under stress of some kind. When I experience more pressure than I can handle I often lose my wits. Perhaps I say things or do things that I really wish I didn't do. This compromises my true nature; the one full of love and compassion. The cause of this behavioural mix-up is a focus on the external circumstance versus the internal truth. Looking at the sun this morning, I realized that nothing fazes it. Absolutely nothing knocks it from its true nature. What a remarkable insight. Who would I have to be to remain steadfast in my truth despite the myriad of events happening to me?

05 May 2010

Looking Further

It was a rainy night. This makes for a challenging sunrise. Today was no exception. The eastern sky was filled with dark rain clouds. Some might give up. Others may say that there was no sunrise. But today, I decided to look further. Instead of focusing my attention to what was wrong (i.e. dark clouds in the east), I made a commitment to look for what was right. Take a look at my picture from today. That was the sky in the west. Not where you would normally find a picturesque sunrise photo but because of the darkness in the eastern sky, it was utterly beautiful.

Then, I got an idea. What else could I find that was right and beautiful about this morning. At that moment, I noticed the smell; the sweet smell of freshly fallen rain. I don't know if it's the wet grass or the wet wood on the boardwalk or just the air but the smell is so fresh and uplifting. The birds were going nuts with their symphony at dawn. I think even the squirrels were a little giddy. Or maybe it was just me?

I love this quiet time in the morning. I cherish it. It doesn't matter to me what the quality of the sunrise is. In fact, I would argue that a less than spectacular sunrise forces me to find inspiration in the ordinary miracles that surround me everyday. It is the trials and tribulations in our lives that challenge us to seek beauty in unexpected places. That's the basis of every gratitude exercise on the planet. Look around at what you have and find gratitude for it. That is what will bring you more of what you love.

04 May 2010


I had an interesting experience with focus this morning. There are these pesky little flies that gather around in swarms this time of year down by the beach. In the past few years I have had my fair share of them in my eyes, up my nose and in my lungs. They are just plain pesky. I usually walk along the edge of the water. It seems that the flies like to hang out by the edge of the water. So, this morning, I found myself walking in and out of swarms of these little flies. Then, I had a breakthrough. When I focused on the flies then they seemed to be everywhere and that's exactly when one flew right into my eye. After that incident I decided to focus on the space between the flies or the place where the flies were NOT. Do you know what happened? Huge paths of non-fly areas opened up. In fact, it was like they weren't even there at all. I just kept taking steps in fly-free zones. When I would look back I would still see the swarms of flies right where I had walked but miraculously they had not bothered me.

Talk about a powerful demonstration on focus. I've said it before and I'll say it again - when you look for what's wrong, you will get more of what's wrong and when you look for what's right then you'll get more of what's right. It's really that plain and simple. When you think about it, there is infinitely more space between the flies than there are flies so it is obvious that if you focus on the space then it is space that you will see. We tend to get fixated on a problem and then focus on everything about it. This just brings about more of the problem. The answer is to focus on what is NOT the problem. In doing this you set your focus to look for "NOT the problem" and things will change almost immediately.

03 May 2010

Smells Like Summer

I walked out the door this morning and I was hit with the smell of summer. I can't quite describe it accurately but I know you know what I mean. It had rained a lot last night and the sky was still quite overcast this morning so there wasn't much of sunrise to talk about today. I did note that there were some breaks in the clouds in the western sky which also allowed me to see where it was still raining. What a beautiful morning.

The theme for this morning's walk was goals. I think we get goals mixed up with tasks a lot. For example, the sun does not have a goal "to rise everyday". The sun has a goal to provide energy and warmth for all life on earth. The rising (and setting) of the sun is the task by which it accomplishes its goal. Likewise, for us humans, our goals need to be big. How big? Well, I think your goal should be big enough such that you really don't have a clue as to HOW you will accomplish it. That's a good indicator. The "how" will come to you along the way in the form of actions and intuitions. In fact, if you just take one SMALL step everyday in support of your goal, the "how" will take care of itself almost effortlessly. One step. Everday. Without exception. Your main job is to cultivate a big enough goal so that you are fully self-expressed. Goal setting is the realm of your conscious mind whereas goal getting is the power realm of your unconscious mind - it's out of your awareness but more powerful than you realize.

02 May 2010

Ordinary Miracles

I was listening to Sarah McLachlan's song this morning while I was walking - Ordinary Miracle. The words are so profound. There I was walking along the boardwalk where I walk every morning and the sun was making its entrance as it does everyday. I had never stopped to contemplate what an "ordinary miracle" this was. What else was I missing?

So, I started to look around. First of all, there were flowers, trees, bushes and all types of beautiful flowering growing things all around indicative of the springtime. Even the little flies that drive me crazy when I walk in the spring - what was their purpose? And more importantly, when did they sleep? Because they were wide awake before 6am on a Sunday :) The birds fascinate me. Again, they were flying a few inches from the surface at full speed in formation. They flew in flocks in perfectly timed intervals. Where were they going? All of a sudden I was overcome by a sense of how much I loved my life exactly as it was right then and there; in its imperfection. At the very same moment, I stood inside the paradox that there was so much more to experience and it was worth striving for. I have been in this place before, many years ago, on Whistler mountain. I recognize the opportunity. It came from noticing what was there without attachment. Maybe that's the secret and perhaps the ordinary miracles are the path that gets us there.

01 May 2010


The sunrise wasn't what I expected this morning. I found myself feeling disappointed. I wanted it to be a bright fiery "typical" sunrise today but that was not to be. Don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful sunrise. In fact many of the "stay-up-all-night" partyers that frequent the beach on Saturday mornings at sunrise were in awe of this sunrise. But it wasn't what I wanted today.

Then it hit me. It was my expectations that were causing the disappointment and not the sunrise at all. It's good to be reminded of this dynamic every now and again. Today, I needed to be reminded. I have noticed feeling disappointed a lot lately and now I can observe that it has been my expectations causing all the problems. This is a relief because now I can refocus my energy on what's going on inside of me instead of what's going on outside of me. I guess it comes down to faith again; faith in the process; faith that it will all work out. There were flocks of geese flying eastward today. They were flying very low, perhaps inches above the surface of the water. They were flying in "V" formation and at very high speed. I marvelled at the fact that they never hit the water with their wings nor did any one of them fall out of formation or slow down. They were in perfect synchronicity and flying in perfect faith that everyone else was doing what they were supposed to be doing. Each goose was focused on it's job and nothing else. Maybe the geese know something we don't?