31 May 2010
30 May 2010
Peace and Quiet
I am in London, ON this morning and went for a walk near a beautiful seminary. There was something uniquely peaceful about this location. The sun rose up and over the building and created a halo effect of light. Just looking at it filled me with a sense of calm.
29 May 2010
Balancing Act
28 May 2010
Hot and Sunny
27 May 2010
Hot and Hazy
26 May 2010
Hiding Out
25 May 2010
Hazy and Lazy
I, on the other hand, will not be hiding out anywhere. I am on my way to NYC for the Book Expo America. This will be a whirlwind of extroversion. I'll be staying sane by watching my beloved sunrises when the city will be relatively quiet. It is supposed to be very hot and very sunny in New York so I guess the sun will also be "on" for a few days. I'm looking forward to creating a little magic!!
24 May 2010
Restful Warmth
It’s going to be a beautiful day today. The sky is clear and the lake is calm. I am still up at the cottage and made a delightful discovery this morning. The air was freezing when I woke up this morning. I couldn’t bring myself to get out from under the warmth of my blankets. This turned out to be a good thing. Instead of powering through my coldness, I just heeded it and soon discovered that I could watch the sunrise from the warmth of my bed. It rose through the forest, up over my toes and burst into warmth spilling light across my room. What a treat.
There was a time where I would power through no matter what. I wouldn’t pay attention to what was going on around me. I wouldn’t pay attention to signals in myself. This approach often led to irritation, frustration and burn out. I have since discovered how to surrender into the present moment and take action according to the situation as it unfolds. This has led to ease, peace and even delightful surprises as was the case with the sunrise-in-bed discover this morning.
23 May 2010
Gentle Entrance
I’m up at the cottage on this beautiful weekend. I went out kayaking this morning in search of the sunrise. I wasn’t sure where the sun would actually come up. Sure, I knew the general direction but I couldn’t pinpoint the exact location. Usually you can tell where the sun will rise because there is a general concentration of colour and light around a certain spot. This was not the case this morning. The sky was a gorgeous muted colour so it wasn’t obvious where the sun would rise. It wasn’t until I saw the golden light that I knew the spot. It was such a gentle entrance.
It made me think of where I create tension in my own life. For what purpose? What if my life could flow as gently as this morning’s sunrise? I suppose we can either resist what is happening, ignore it or actually embrace it and sink right into it grounded in the faith that it all makes sense somewhere. The little things; the big things; all of it. Trust. Gentle trust. Quiet trust. This morning’s sunrise and last night’s sunset were picturesque examples of gentle surrender. You might not have it all figured out, completed or finalized but at least you can be in that place without also having tension and stress. That’s got to be better for you.
22 May 2010
Sticking With It
The sunrise had to fight for it today. The clouds had moved in overnight and they were doing their best to block out the sun. But the sun was in a feisty mood this morning and didn't give up quite so easily. At one point I noticed that the light had spread itself across the entire sky all the way over to the western portion. There was one colour in particular that I had never seen before. It was a purplish pink orange. Gorgeous!
21 May 2010
Different Perspectives
Due to the orientation of the lake out here the sun actually rises high above the farm houses and lilac bushes. In fact, it doesn't break the horizon of the lake at all. Same lake, different perspective. The cliche is obvious but I would be remiss if I didn't point it out. Perhaps this slight shift in perspective is resposible for the overall sense of well-being that I feel. Then again, it could also be the mudbath!!
20 May 2010
19 May 2010
Right Through Me
18 May 2010
Light Shines Through
At first glance, it looked like a drab, cloudly, grey sunrise. The horizon was filled with thick clouds obscuring any view of the sun actually coming up. Most people would have written it off especially after the amazing sunrises we've been having all week. However, this morning I noticed something different. The sky wasn't completely overcast. Almost, but not completely. There were scallops of openings dragged across the sky. Little holes where the light was clearing pouring through. It looked like a lantern covering.
17 May 2010
What an utterly breathtaking morning. Another amazing dead-calm morning for Lake Ontario. The lake acted as a mirror for the sunrise which doubled its beauty and intensity. At one point, I couldn't decide if I wanted to look directly at the sunrise or watch it unfold on the surface of the water. Both were stunning. It was amazing how the image of the sunrise on the lake was almost identical to the actual sunrise in the sky. Everything was reflected. The only difference was created when a bird would land in the water creating ripples. These ripples would temporarily distort the picture.