17 January 2010


The theme for today is surrender; to giving in to what is there anyway. It's actually about not straining against the circumstances. It's about going with the flow. In the same way that the sun goes with the flow of the circumstances around it, we can experience this flow. Yesterday, I went snowshoeing for the first time in a very long time. I decided to just go by myself instead of waiting for someone to invite me. I was just planning to go up and look around and then come down again. It was so beautiful in the woods. And peaceful. There were so many trails. At one point, I wasn't sure which way to go when two fellow hikers appeared. They were "walking maps" and were able to point in a multitude of directions depending on what I wanted. At one point they suggested that I join them, so I did. They ended up taking me all over the place. It was awesome. I never would have done it on my own. What started out as a 45-minute jaunt turned into a 2-hour hike up steep slopes and down beautiful valleys. By being willing to go with the flow, I was able to have an experience that I didn't even plan. I had fun, plain and simple.

Consider how many times you might be able to have fun if you just go with the flow. I look in to my own life and see many opportunities to experience the fun instead of the struggle by just going with the flow. Perhaps the struggle lies in resisting the flow. Maybe it's that easy??

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