What an obvious title for a blog post about a sunrise. Yet, this morning I was overwhelmed with an understanding of a new beginning. Times are changing so quickly right now. It seems as though everyone and everything is moving at breakneck speed, including me. This week I was gently (or not so much) reminded to slow down. I was reminded that success isn't always gotten by forcing things. In fact, sometimes, the exact opposite is true. Sometimes, when we take the time to take time out that is where the flash of brilliance appears.
I took an extra long walk this morning. I listened to Enya for an extra long time. I watched two ducks for a while. You could see them tense up as I approached. I obviously go too close for comfort because they quickly jumped in the water and then they ultimately took off for the sky. They landed about 10m away and then went on swimming. I thought "hmm, that is how our stress response is designed to work" - in short bursts. As soon as they were out of danger they went right back to enjoying their day. I'm not that good at switching it off yet but at least I am aware that is is my choice to switch it on and off. Maybe I should become a duck!
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