31 January 2010
Faith in the Process
30 January 2010
There is no place to hide when the sun rises in the desert. The horizon stretches forever in both directions behind those beautiful mountains in Las Vegas. Early this morning, there was a strip of burning red between the top of the mountains and the clouds just above them. It's the same with the truth inside you. You can't hide it no matter how much you try.
29 January 2010
Off and Running
28 January 2010
Desert Sun
27 January 2010
The West
26 January 2010
Flying High
25 January 2010
24 January 2010
23 January 2010
Crystal Clear
22 January 2010
Really Windy
21 January 2010
So Awesome
This morning's sunrise was stunning; exactly what I have been yearning for. Reds, oranges, purples streaking across the sky. It was cold and crisp and there were tiny little frost diamonds on the boardwalk. I took an extra long walk. I listened to my awesome playlist and it pumped me up. In that place, I could feel the creativity flowing.
20 January 2010
New Beginnings
What an obvious title for a blog post about a sunrise. Yet, this morning I was overwhelmed with an understanding of a new beginning. Times are changing so quickly right now. It seems as though everyone and everything is moving at breakneck speed, including me. This week I was gently (or not so much) reminded to slow down. I was reminded that success isn't always gotten by forcing things. In fact, sometimes, the exact opposite is true. Sometimes, when we take the time to take time out that is where the flash of brilliance appears.
19 January 2010
18 January 2010
17 January 2010
What Works
15 January 2010
"Some people just have big hearts, Gina. And with this gift they're very often able to feel, offer, and show far more love than they receive from those around them. Which, at times, is a heavy load to bear. So today I'd like to remind them, and especially you, that the sun asks not that the moon and planets help brighten each day, but relishes her role as a keeper of the light and a bringer of the dawn. A role much like your own."
I think of all of things that have been troubling me lately and wonder where I have been asking others to change so it will make my life easier. I was gently reminded, by a close friend, yesterday that challenging times require us to discover more of who we are and to remember who we really are. I guess the sun knows this already and tries to show us each and every day to show up and do our part.
14 January 2010
I started to think maybe this was the way to achieve results in my own life. Instead of always pushing hard and making efforts maybe there was an easier way, an effortless way. Maybe? So today I am taking it easy. Not pushing. Not straining. Rather, I am allowing what is there to guide me to my next step. So far, it's working and it's not even lunchtime yet.
13 January 2010
I can relate to that. There are many days where I just plug away and do my thing. There's no fanfare or glamour - just work. And yet, it all adds up to something bigger than that. What I realize is that the mundane days are necessary to get the pieces in place. They are also necessary in order for me to have some down time, a chance to rejuvenate without having to be "on". Maybe the sun needs the same thing - a little downtime, out of the spotlight so it build up to that unbelievable stunning sun rise that will take my breath away.
12 January 2010
I spent about 30 minutes in the infrared sauna that I love so much. Most of the time I was just breathing. Slow, diaphragmatic breaths. After 10 minutes, I actually felt clearer. I actually felt grounded and the solutions came to me easily. It reminded me of a book I read once. It was called something like "Don't Just Do Something, Sit There". I think there's more wisdom in that title than I gave it credit for when I first saw it. Sitting there today, I got more done then when I run around like a madwoman. Hmmmmmm.
11 January 2010
The sunrise even seemed frantic this morning. There are some mornings where it seems to take hours between dawn's first light and the burst of orange on the horizon. The colours linger and change and blend into each other. But not today and maybe not on Mondays ever. Today there was no lingering, no drawn out hues. Today, it was pretty much dark and then pretty much light. Just like that. An urgent shift from dark to light as if to say "c'mon let's go, it's time to start this week already."
10 January 2010
09 January 2010
If you look for beauty then you will find beauty. This is along the lines of a principle that I write about in my new book. You always ultimately find what you seek out. It's a physiological functioning. So, if you make a commitment to seek out beauty then you will find beauty everywhere. Likewise, if you make an effort to seek out what's wrong then that is what you will have. Take it from me, looking for the beauty is more fun!
08 January 2010
07 January 2010
Instead of pushing myself to "suck it up" and get out there and walk this morning, I decided to stay in my warm bed and watch the sunrise through my bedroom window. It was another grey day so it was more of a "sky lighting" than a sun "rise" but I watched it nonetheless. In surrendering to my weariness I actually found some energy. Perhaps it was because I was giving myself what I needed instead of what I "should" be needing. The rest of my morning went unusually easy as well. Perhaps there is something to surrendering to this softness...
06 January 2010
05 January 2010
With my new revelation in hand, I decided to ask myself "what did I most need and want to do?". The answer came back a resounding "boxing". So I trusted my instinct and put that plan in motion. As I was heading out the door, I had a brilliant idea - I could still witness the sunrise from my boxing class because the room has huge floor to ceiling windows. So, at precisely 7:51am, I stopped pounding the poor punching bag and headed over to the window to confirm that the lightness in the sky did, in fact, indicate that there was still a sun and it had finally risen. I left the boxing class feeling more certain that I had in a while. Thanks to the quandary to help me discover a little bit more of myself. Or should I say, thanks to the sun?!?
04 January 2010
I am back in Toronto and thankfully the howling wind didn't follow me home. This morning looked a lot like the other days. I still haven't had a confirmed sighting of the sun at sunrise. However, I did observe something interesting on my walk this morning. The wind which almost always blows from the lake on to the shore was blowing the other way around today. It was blowing from the shore out on to the lake. It looked really weird to see the waves moving away from the shore. All I could think was "that's backwards". That led me to ponder what else in my life is "backwards" right now.
I have been told that the planet Mercury is "in retrograde" right now (until 15 January). When a planet is in retrograde it appears to be moving backwards at least from our perspective here on earth. Astrologers say that when Mercury is in retrograde it often messes up our ability to get things done and it also interferes with our communication in all forms so we experience more misunderstandings and miscommunication. Yuck! Take it from me, if you try to push your agenda during a retrograde you will be met with a great deal of frustration. I have learned this the hard way in the past and have decided to go with the flow when Mercury is in retrograde. It seems that I had forgotten this principle up until today when I was struck by "all things backwards". It was a giant "cosmic two by four" gently (or not so) reminding me to slow down, focus inward and stop pushing.
03 January 2010
02 January 2010
01 January 2010
There was nothing special about this day except everything. Being the first day of 2010 has got to be something special. And yet, the sunrise was.....subtle. In fact, I couldn't even see it rise because it has been gently snowing for a few hours. I did, however watch the sky turn from dark to light. That's how I knew that the sun was finally up. Well, that and the fact that my computer told me it was going to rise at 7:57EST today. I am in Collingwood, ON, Canada which is a popular ski destination for those of us who live in Toronto.
I can't help but notice how secure I feel that the sun is actually up and yet I cannot see it and have no real "proof" that it is up there. I wonder if there are any other things in my life that I surrender such strong faith. Usually, I notice that it's the other way around. That unless I see good hard proof that I am usually skeptical to a fault. Why is that? I am not experiencing any stress right now wondering where the sun is, if it's really there and whether or not it will be there tomorrow. I just know. And I know that I know. I have to think that if I apply this approach to other areas of my life, it will allow me to feel more peaceful even when things don't seem to be going the way I want them to. That's what I will do today on this beautiful first day of 2010. Happy New Year!