12 November 2010

On the Move

I'm up again on my way to the airport. It's going to be another stunningly gorgeous day. I have been travelling a lot lately and focusing on how grateful I am that I am fortunate enough to be able to travel. I love seeing new places and experiencing new things.

The thing I love the most about traveling is the change in routine. I think it keeps me fresh and open to new ideas. I also love the food. It's usually very different than my regular dishes. All of this newness provides an opportunity for me to build new neural networks. This keeps my brain active and ensures that I am in growth mode. They say the best thing you can do as you age is to test and tax your brain to keep it healthy. Puzzles such as crosswords or sudoku also help to keep your mind sharp. It doesn't matter what you do so long as you keep changing things and trying new things.

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