17 November 2010


There was no sunrise that I could see this morning. Hence, no picture. It is raining and cold and blustery and cold and cold. This type of day begs for a roaring fire in the fireplace and a cup of anything hot to drink. It's the kind of day that makes you feel cold through and through.

Life is full of tests. They could be big tests or little tests but they happen all the time. The moment that you define what you want and set out to achieve it is the exact time that you will be presented with your first test. The testing actually helps you to understand your boundaries. Your job is to keep focused on what you want and be relentless in your pursuit of your goal. It makes me think of the emergency broadcast signal that used to play on TV when I was a kid. The announcer used to say "this is only a test, if this had been a real emergency then you would have been given specific instructions." It makes me laugh because life's like that. So the next time you get presented with a challenge, remember, it's only a test.

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