23 June 2010

Sameness and Differences

This morning looked like every morning since I have been in LA: grey, overcast, dull. I am getting used to this non-sunrise backdrop. Everything seems to blend and it becomes harder to differentiate the days. Today is Wednesday but it could easily be Monday.

That's the issue with routine. You stop noticing the little things when you get into a routine. Your focus and attention map out the landscape and determine that this is the same as yesterday and therefore directs you to carry out the same behaviours. This is the danger of routine. This is the beginning of "the rut". However, this situation is also rich with opportunity. Due to the sameness backdrop of the situation, it could become much easier to spot the differences. But you have to refocus your attention. You must have the intention to look for the differences. You must be clear that there are ALWAYS differences and begin to fine tune your awareness to find them.

Here's the key to the kingdom: if you can begin to train yourself to look for the subtle nuances and the differences when everything APPEARS to be "business as usual" then you will enjoy an added MASSIVE benefit. You see, things like opportunities and breakthroughs also exist in the same space as these differences. By training yourself to differentiate the routine by seeking out the details you will also be training your awareness to seek out the opportunities.

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