28 June 2010


I am canoeing with my family and another family in Quetico Provincial Park. I am attempting to write this blog from the remote location. Here's hoping technology can deliver on its promises. I realized that it takes an incredible amount of organization to get things done sometimes. Even something as simple as a blog posting. I also realize that as long as you like what you are doing then it's actually enjoyable to find creative ways to make it happen.

That's the key. Do you love what you are doing? If not, then why do you keep doing it? This question seems relatively simple but few people actually sit down and contemplate it. One important fact to note is that you don't get to do this again. There is no dress rehearsal in the drama of your life. You get one shot to live it and I really recommend living it to the fullest. That doesn't mean getting everything you want. What is means rather is that you live as much as you can driven by what's in your heart. That might mean you get hurt or even suffer but it will also mean that you experience everything as much as possible. I think it's worth it.

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