30 June 2010

Early Beginnings

The sun rises early in the summer. It seems as though the light starts out almost as soon as it disappears. I watched most of it from the airport in Thunder Bay this morning. The light stretched across the sky and around the Sleeping Giant. It was an early day.

I find that I have a lot of time to think in the mornings when the busyness has yet to start. Things that were almost unsolvable seem simple in their solutions. I can think. I can go over options. Perhaps that why I love the mornings so much.

29 June 2010

Giving Way

The sunrise was peaceful this morning on Quetico Lake. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one who witnessed it in my little part of the world. It was also freezing out. I don't even think it was 10 degrees. As always in a new place, it took me a while to figure out where the sun would actually come up. I finally did. It was a subtle sunrise. The sun seemed to give way to the wind that was picking up speed at daybreak.

I often find it hard to just give way to what is happening. I find that I want to resist what is and that usually ends up with more tension on my part. When I finally surrender the tension then the whole thing opens up into another possibility. I can't even see this possibility while I am in the middle of the problem. I used to have to deal with everything "right away". Now, I take some extra time and give way to another way of doing things. It usually emerges right before I completely throw in the towel. Time is usually the magic ingredient. Time and patience.

28 June 2010


I am canoeing with my family and another family in Quetico Provincial Park. I am attempting to write this blog from the remote location. Here's hoping technology can deliver on its promises. I realized that it takes an incredible amount of organization to get things done sometimes. Even something as simple as a blog posting. I also realize that as long as you like what you are doing then it's actually enjoyable to find creative ways to make it happen.

That's the key. Do you love what you are doing? If not, then why do you keep doing it? This question seems relatively simple but few people actually sit down and contemplate it. One important fact to note is that you don't get to do this again. There is no dress rehearsal in the drama of your life. You get one shot to live it and I really recommend living it to the fullest. That doesn't mean getting everything you want. What is means rather is that you live as much as you can driven by what's in your heart. That might mean you get hurt or even suffer but it will also mean that you experience everything as much as possible. I think it's worth it.

27 June 2010

Stunning Superior

The sunrise was brilliant this morning. A bright red and pink sky over Lake Superior. It was one of those sunrises that make you say "wow" when you finally see the whole thing. I was running around trying to find my camera when I caught a glimpse of the ruby red sky.

However, looks can be deceiving. We are embarking on a 2-day canoe trip today and that red sky also means that there are some serious clouds in the area likely to make us wet. This is not so good. It gives way to the paradox that sometimes the very thing that is required to create the beauty is also the thing that you don't want to have happen. A clear sky might not have been as spectacular but it would have been dry. I suppose we'll see if it was worth it because it was one heck of a sunrise.

26 June 2010

Sleeping Giant

Today's post comes from beautiful Thunder Bay, Ontario where the air is certainly crisp at sunrise. The Sleeping Giant is a nickname of the rocks that stretch across Lake Superior. From where I am sitting they really do look like a Sleeping Giant. He looks so peaceful just lying there in the sunshine. I started to wonder, maybe he know something about peace.

Peace doesn't mean to be without chaos. In fact, quite the opposite. Peace means to be amongst the worst chaos imaginable and still be able to find a quiet spot INSIDE your heart. Peace is not achieved on the outside. Peace is an inside job. The more crazy things get is usually a sign that you need to go even deeper inside to find your peace. It's there. It's always there but you just need to look for it.

25 June 2010


It was such a gentle sunrise today. There was thin blanket of haze that muted all of the pomp and circumstance of a full blown sunrise. There is supposed to be a lunar eclipse in the next 24 hours so perhaps the sun is stepping out of the limelight for a short while.

I don't always need to be on and front and centre. In fact, many of my breakthrough moments have come when I have instead turned my attention to helping someone else shine. A wise man once said that you get what you give. If you use your resources to help another then it will ultimately benefit you in ways that you can't even contemplate right now. It's just a law of the Universe. Give and ye shall receive.

24 June 2010


I watched the sunrise this morning from seat 18A on the Air Canada red eye flight from LA. What really captured my attention was the stunning contrasts. There were many big clouds. Some were storm clouds, others were white and fluffy. There was a thunderstorm just before we landed. The colour in the sky above the clouds was sharp and vibrant. Below the clouds, the light was filtered and deeply contrasted.

I couldn't help but notice that the contrast is what created all of the beauty this morning. The light could pierce right through the dark storm cloud. It was as though the light was compelled to pierce through the darkness; like it had a purpose. I've had that experience - where I am compelled by an unseen force to live my purpose. It's often during times of challenge when I am called to be my best self; often at the time when I feel like doing it the least. There is a polarity that propels the action. It's as though the challenge beckons my best gifts in the same way that the darkness entices the light to shine through. Eventually, the darkness or challenge has become a signal for a breakthrough in my life. This little reframe has made a world of difference in my life.

23 June 2010

Sameness and Differences

This morning looked like every morning since I have been in LA: grey, overcast, dull. I am getting used to this non-sunrise backdrop. Everything seems to blend and it becomes harder to differentiate the days. Today is Wednesday but it could easily be Monday.

That's the issue with routine. You stop noticing the little things when you get into a routine. Your focus and attention map out the landscape and determine that this is the same as yesterday and therefore directs you to carry out the same behaviours. This is the danger of routine. This is the beginning of "the rut". However, this situation is also rich with opportunity. Due to the sameness backdrop of the situation, it could become much easier to spot the differences. But you have to refocus your attention. You must have the intention to look for the differences. You must be clear that there are ALWAYS differences and begin to fine tune your awareness to find them.

Here's the key to the kingdom: if you can begin to train yourself to look for the subtle nuances and the differences when everything APPEARS to be "business as usual" then you will enjoy an added MASSIVE benefit. You see, things like opportunities and breakthroughs also exist in the same space as these differences. By training yourself to differentiate the routine by seeking out the details you will also be training your awareness to seek out the opportunities.

22 June 2010

Shorter and Shorter

Today is the day after the summer solstice which means that yesterday was the longest day of the year for those of us in the northern hemisphere. It also means that the days now start to get shorter and shorter. I'm in LA again and there cloud is completely overcast. I learned yesterday that the locals call it "June Gloom". Who knew? I always had this expectation that LA was sunny pretty much all of the time. I am stunned and a little relieved to know that the sun even takes a break in LA.

On a macroscopic level, the sun has begun in yearly retreat in the northern hemisphere. Six months from now we will be lucky to get 9 hours of sunlight in a day whereas we enjoy well over 15 hours. That's a big difference but it illustrates the pattern of effort and renewal. It is a pattern that we should embrace. We can't keep going at full tilt day after day without taking a reprieve. It's not sustainable. And yet, culturally we make no allowance for this reality. Taking time out always allows you to be more productive when you return. That's the basis for the concept of a vacation. I have begun to practice this pattern and have literally started scheduling downtime into my life. I assure you that those times become the foundation for bursts of quantum growth.

21 June 2010


I'm at LAX this morning and the sunrise just came and went with no warning, no signal. The sky is almost completely overcast. It's grey and devoid of colour. Weird for LA. In contrast, the sunset on the airplane last night was exquisite and because I was flying west I got to enjoy the sunset for almost 2 hours. It's almost as though the sun knew that I got an extended display last night so its sleeping in this morning. And yet, as overcast as it is, I can still smell the ocean. I love that about LA. Nothing beats a walk on the beach in Santa Monica.

I find myself writing about focus again. This morning is a prime example. I could focus on the busyness and harshness of this city or I can turn my attention to the gorgeous expanse of water that stretches all the way to Australia, NZ and Asia. There are always infinite ways to focus our attention. The actual focusing makes all the difference in our experience of the moment. When things are changing and everything seems unstable, try focusing on what is NOT changing - on what is certain. I bet you will eventually find yourself focusing on the sun and the fact that it's going to come up again tomorrow regardless of what's happening today - thanks Cindy :)

20 June 2010


The sunrise was circular this morning. The reddish golden hues went all the way around the sky in 360 degrees. It wasn't an obvious burst of light, it was more of a gradual awakening. The light seemed to spread in all directions with no boundaries. There were no obvious edges to the light on either side. If I didn't know which way I was facing, I would have had no idea which direction the sun would actually rise from. It was like being in the light. And yet, there was a clear distinction between the reddish hue of the sunrise and the clear blue of the sky. There was an edge but it wasn't where I was accustomed to looking for it.

Emotionally, we can move in all directions. In fact, there are no boundaries when it comes to feeling our emotions. For many people, myself included, this limitless quality of emotions can be a little daunting at times. It feels as though it will just keep going and going forever, like a river that is flooding all over the place. Sometimes what helps is finding our "river bank", finding the edge of the emotion and allowing it to run at full power within this containment. Most people try to numb the emotion so it becomes manageable but I have found that seeking the boundary, seeking the edge, seeking the container for the emotion allows me to let the emotion run at its full power without shutting down. With practice, this strategy can allow you to feel more deeply into the moments of your life.

19 June 2010

After the Storm

I am in Windsor this morning. There was a roaring thunderstorm last night and the wind was wild. Yet, there is no sign of it this morning. The sunrise was peaceful, the birds were plentiful and the sky had a clarity about it that can only come after it has been ravaged by a storm. The colours of the sunrise were more pronounced. Or maybe I was just more grateful for such a sunrise after the intensity of the storm.

It's the same in life. Usually the day after a "storm" in your life is a day filled with simple graces. This can be attributed to the fact that the immense store of energy associated with the storm is now spent and therefore there is space for energy to flow freely again unbound by any constraint or blockage. I wonder if the storms happen simply as a result of blocking energy. The build up requires expression and this often results in a storm. The important thing to notice is that it's just energy being expressed. Sometimes this is easy to do and sometimes it is hard. But energy must keep moving. Perhaps we would be well served to learn to continuously move this energy so that we wouldn't be required to occasionally vent the energy in a "storm".

18 June 2010


There was no fanfare today. The sunrise was gentle and subdued. The colours were muted and soft. They reminded me of the colours in the desert. The glow from the sun was delayed but it was golden and far reaching. The morning was blanketed in a certain calmness. Or maybe it was just me?

Being calm is a choice and one that I was reminded to make more often this morning. The day turns out differently when you begin from a state of calm. There is more opportunity to withstand the little challenges of the day. Plus, I was better able to look around and notice all of the beauty around me. That was worth it on it's own.

17 June 2010

First Impressions

If I had made a decision about this day when I first walked out the door then it would not have been very positive. It was grey, overcast, windy and freezing. I almost turned around and went home. But I didn't. I kept focusing on the freshness in the windy cold air and walked. When I looked up in the sky the clouds were moving at an incredible clip. It was like watching a time lapse photography. After a few minutes the day started to change completely. The wind settled down and the sunrise got absolutely golden and gorgeous. Then, when I looked in the opposite sky there was a beautiful pink hue surrounding the skyline and the CN Tower. By the time I made my way up the steps from the beach, there were streams of golden light pouring from the sky right into the lake. And now, it's a beautifully sunny day.

Talk about having patience. The first impression of this day was not impressive. However, patience and an open mind and a willingness to look beyond the circumstances paid off in the end. I chose to focus on what was right about this morning even though there wasn't much. It paid off. The day changed so quickly and so overtly that it appeared miraculous. It can happen like that in any circumstance. The first impression isn't always the final impression. It often takes time for the result to catch up with the intention. The key is patience, faith and the willingness to focus on what's right.

16 June 2010


The sun is there hiding behind the clouds even if you can't see one little shred of light coming through. There's going to be a thunderstorm today - it's in the air. The wind is wild and the air is heavy. The sky was completely overcast in multiple layers of grey clouds. The lake was volatile and unpredictable. Needless to say, I was the only one out there this morning.

However, I noticed a few things. First of all, the birds seemed to be having a great time. They were "wind surfing" in the air, appearing to fly but not actually moving forward at all. They appeared to be hovering. I'm not a bird but I have to guess that it's pretty fun to flap your wings and remain in the same place. The other thing that caught my attention was something that I was discussing just yesterday with my friend. The sun is still there even though I can't see it. This belief, my faith that the sun is still there, is very comforting. It's the certainty of it that's comforting. The beliefs that we hold 100% certain are very powerful ones because they provide a benchmark for all other beliefs. I know the sun is there, perhaps taking a break from shining down on us but it's still there nonetheless waiting for the clouds to part.

15 June 2010


It was inevitable. The grey skies have parted and the stunning sunrise has returned. I don't know why it bothered me so much this week. It always returns. It was a gorgeous morning and a brilliant start to a beautiful day. The light seemed to skid across the sky alternating between pink and blue. The clouds acted as a soft divider for the colours.

Things are coming together this week. Perhaps that's why I was so sensitive to the sunrise being stuck in grey mode. I felt stuck. What a brilliant reflection of my inner state. Last night I resolved to believe in what I want without hesitation. I had the privilege of MCing an event where Bob Proctor was the speaker. It seems that Bob and I continue to cross paths and I continue to grow and learn. Last night was no exception to this learning trend. The most powerful thing that he said is that you must believe in what you want, no matter what. It's not enough to hope or to wish, the belief must be rock solid. When that happens then the result is inevitable. Thanks to Bob for reminding me of that simple but profound fact.

14 June 2010

Little Things

There was still no sunrise this morning. However, there was a parting of the clouds in the southern sky which allowed the light to sneak through. There was even a hit a of red in this display. Although not the "real" sunrise it was still beautiful to look at. I probably never would have even bothered to look in the southern sky if the sunrise in the east had been spectacular.

Often when things aren't going the way we planned then we are given an opportunity to look around. We start to notice the little things that have been there all along but were obscured by the shadow of our focus elsewhere. It also helps to sharpen the gratitude we feel for what we do have. This is a disciplined practice and one with big rewards. Being grateful when you don't feel like it is probably the most important skill that you could develop. Through this practice you will begin to draw unto you more of the very thing that you are grateful for. However, as with anything worth doing, the shift must first be made on the inside before you see any results on the outside.

13 June 2010

Unmet Expectations

I really wanted there to a be a brilliant sunrise this morning. I really wanted to see red, orange, pink and purple. I wanted all of this but it wasn't to be. The sky was overcast grey this morning and the sun was nowhere to be found. In fact, it's still nowhere to be found. While I know the rain is good for the flowers, today I wanted the sunshine and it wasn't there. I found myself feeling disappointed.

It is interesting to note that there have been many grey overcast days where I have not felt disappointed. In fact, on many of these days, I am happy for the break. So the disappointment is not inherent to the grey skies. The disappointment is due to my expectations. This is always the case. Disappointment is always caused by our expectations. This is good news and bad news. The good news is that we can change our expectations thus alleviating the disappointment. The bad news, however, is that the responsibility lies on each of us alone. No one can choose to change our expectations except us. This is the challenge.

12 June 2010


The sun is hiding today; nowhere to be seen. It grey and overcast and freezing out. The weather swings from one extreme to another each and every day. It's crazy. It certainly makes waking up a mystery each day. I'm never sure what to expect when I open my eyes. Yesterday afternoon I was sunbathing at the beach and this morning I am wearing a fleece sweater and rain boots.

I notice that each day brings something positive. The rainy days help my flowers grow and blossom. The sunny days beckon us outside to play and be active. I also notice that each day brings something to fret about. The rainy days force us indoors where we go a little stir crazy. The sunny days burn the grass and dry the plants. I have noticed that when I look for what's right in the day then the days seems to be much more enjoyable. So, today, I will focus on the fact that my grass is getting a much needed drink so it can be a brilliant shade of green and my flowers, well, they are so happy that they are bursting with colour.

11 June 2010


I got something profound today. Every day I write about the sunrise and am always looking for intricacy. Today, I got the complete opposite. It's so simple. The sun rises every day. Period. There is something very comforting in that certainty.

It doesn't matter if it's a beautiful sunrise, a bland sunrise or a blocked sunrise. The sun is there no matter what. Every day!

10 June 2010

Turning Points

The sky can't decide today whether to be sunny or cloudy. It seems to be a turning point but there is hesitation in the final decision. If the sky commits one way then we will have a brilliantly sunny day. However, if the sky commits the other way, we will have an entirely rainy day like we had yesterday. We are at a turning point.

In life, we come to turning points all the time. Our decision to go one way or another will have a lasting impact on the outcome. How do you handle a turning point? Do you see it as an opportunity to do something differently? Or do you see as a bother? Or worse yet, do you see it as a terrifying event in your life? At any given moment in life, we all have the ability to choose our response. We can decide if we are going to remain powerful or give it up. It's always up to us to choose this response. Each moment is our own little turning point. We can choose to shift ANY time and our whole experience can change in an instant.

09 June 2010


The weather is making a change today. I could smell it as soon as I walked out the door this morning. It was already very windy which is odd for the early morning. The birds were all huddled on the pier. I disturbed them to take a picture so they all took flight but didn't really go anywhere. They just hung there frozen almost motionless by the force of the wind. The clouds were variable. Some high cloud, some low cloud, some light grey and some very dark. There was, however, a thin strip of red sunrise right at the horizon. Even on such a wildly unpredictable day, the sun found a way through.

Things look and feel unsettled when they are changing. It doesn't even feel remotely secure. It feels as though everything is being ripped apart. And in a way, it is. However, this ripping apart is a good thing in that it prepares you for something new. It's like a cleanse. You have to clean out the old stuff in order to make room for the new stuff. Change is tricky business. Without it, there's no growth. But change also bring uncertainty and usually some degree is discomfort. It's best to develop the ability to navigate life's (certain) changes rather than try (in vain) to avoid change altogether.

08 June 2010


Today was almost a complete repeat of yesterday. Same cloudless sky, same muted pastel colours. It seems that we need a break from the stunning and overtly breathtaking sunrises that this season usually offers. I think perhaps the clouds are weary from resisting so they are taking a break.

There does come a point where it is more effort to resist something than it is to face it outright. I have discovered this recently in my own life. Holding on to your position is a lot of effort. In the end, it is sometimes easier to just "let it go". This may seem frightening at first but overall it actually leads to a breakthrough and usually a new set of behaviours. It might feel weird at first but over time it will become "normal". It's really just the process of growth.

07 June 2010

No Resistance

There were no clouds in the sky this morning which means there was nothing for the sun to bounce its light off. The sky showed a little bit of colour gradient but it was very muted. It was like a watercolour painting - beautiful but soft. It was definitely not one of the most spectacular sunrises I have ever seen.

I started thinking about this. Don't you think that it's interesting to note that the best sunrises come when there is a little resistance to a "perfect day"? When there is too much cloud cover then the sun can't get through at all. When there is no cloud cover then the sun has to do all the work. But, if there is just enough cloud cover then it usually provides the setting for a spectacular display of colour in the sky. Just a little resistance, a little tension and the whole scene is pushed to better than expected. It's same for you and me. We need tension and resistance because it gives us the contrasts required to push us to be our best. The trick is navigating the resistance and trusting that you have what it takes to face whatever is happening to you.

06 June 2010


OK, doozy of a morning. Wow. The wind was impressive. At one point, I thought I was going to blow away. The rain was sideways. The sun was nowhere to be found. I think it was taking a holiday; you know the kind where you don't have access to email or anything like that. It shocks me that such a morning could come after a beautiful day like yesterday. It's a reminder of the power of nature. The lake looked like the stormiest of oceans. It was also a reminder of the power of water.

Water is a paradox. It can display the extreme qualities of submission when it offers no resistance to anyone or anything that enters it. When you go swimming, the water just envelops your shape. Not only that but it supports you and you float which makes it easier to move through the water. However, on the other hand, water can pick you up and crush as in this photo today. If you've ever been to Niagara Falls then you understand the awesome power of water. I noticed though that water needs a little help from the environment in order to be formed into this awesome power. Things such as wind and rocks help to actualize the power potential of the water. It has been said that the feminine force in all of us is akin to water. This thought has fascinated me for days now. The range of behaviour is extreme but perhaps so is the power?

05 June 2010

Giving In

Even the sun gives in now and then. It was a rainy grey morning today. I also decided to give in and watch the sunrise from my bed. I often wonder if the sunrise knows how I am feeling and then presents itself in the matching way to my state.

Giving in. Surrendering. Accepting what is. These are not easy concepts to practice in our modern go-go world. We are taught to believe that this means giving up. But it doesn't. Quite the contrary, actually. Sometimes the act of surrender is the very thing that moves the situation forward. By removing the resistance to what is then it frees the stuck energy. It moves things. It also preserves energy and serves to allow for replenishment. We all seek to be rejuvenated and giving in allows us to regain and rebuild energy stores. In a way, giving in is the best thing you can possible do.

04 June 2010


All week the weather has been unstable. Each morning, the clouds have attempted to obscure the light. Their resistance has been futile. Despite the fact that it has rained many days this week, the sunrises have been awesome. This morning was no exception. The light used the cloud's resistance to bounce pink and golden rays all over the sky. It gave new meaning to the saying "resistance is futile". It's true. In the case of light, resistance IS futile because light can penetrate through any opening regardless of how small it is.

It's the same for love. Love can penetrate through any opening. You don't even need to be willing per say. Rather, you just need to remain a tiny little bit open. Love will do the rest. Love will do the hard work. Your only job is maintain some degree of openness. The only issue is when you are in complete close-down mode. This makes it very difficult for your love and light to radiate. It also makes it difficult for you to receive the love and light that is all around you. Even though it feels risky to remain open, it's not. The real risk is complete closure because then you will cut yourself off completely. Trust me, open is better!

03 June 2010


If my angels story is accurate then there were two groups of angels this morning. The first group were coming down via the reddish light below the ridge of clouds. The second group were coming via the golden light above the ridge of clouds. It was an utterly brilliant sight this morning to see streams of sunbeams in all directions, especially after the stormy, rainy night.

I was listening to an audio download this morning and Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith was talking about the sun. How appropriate. He said that just as the sunbeams express and contain all of the qualities of the sun, you and I are made in the image and likeness of all that there is. Essentially, there is nothing missing or lacking in you and me. Everything we need is already contained within us. The circumstances of our lives call upon us to active those qualities which we seek. In this context, everything that happens to us in always in service of our highest purpose. Even if those circumstances don't feel good. There is nothing missing. Rather, we are here to uncover what's always been there.

02 June 2010

Sunrise Hug

The sunrise was circular today. Well, not exactly but the pinky glow that precedes a sunrise wrapped all the way around the sky. It felt like a giant sunrise hug. I honestly felt like I was inside a circle of light that encased me in a loving embrace. I felt myself soften inside that protective energy.

As I was walking along the shore I felt tension leaving my shoulders and I felt my heart opening up. Everything seemed so much more vibrant when I did this. The birds chirping sounded louder and clearer. The waves lapping on the shore were more rhythmic and distinct. The colour in the sky was intense and far-reaching. I could even detect a faint smell of lingering lilacs from the final remaining blooms of this season. I wonder if I opened my heart first and then felt protected or if I initially conjured up a feeling of security into which my heart could blossom open. Maybe I'll try it the other way around tomorrow.

01 June 2010


It was really foggy when I hit the boardwalk this morning but after about 10 minutes the fog started to lift and the morning blossomed into a peaceful gorgeous setting. The sky started clearing in streaks of light. I know that it was actually the thinning of the clouds that made it possible for the light to shine through but it looked like it was the other way around. The lake was dead calm as it usually is after a night of storming. I got so unbelievably close to a couple ducks this morning that I thought perhaps I was invisible.

The irony is that I didn't want to go walking this morning. When I woke up and heard the rain pounding on my roof, I just wanted to stay in bed. Thankfully, I have this project because the rain had completely stopped by the time I got out there and I was so glad that I showed up. You never know when beauty and peace are going to be available to you. They might show up in the most unusual places. Your job is to heed the call to action that you feel. I could have easily doubted my commitment this morning but instead I followed through and was rewarded with a glorious experience.