31 December 2010

End of the Road

I guess the sun was really being shy in these last few weeks of 2010. I kept hoping for a brilliant sunrise to end the year and this project. But that was not meant to be.

I can't believe that this is the last entry in my year-long project to write about every sunrise in 2010. I have witnessed and written about every sunrise for 365 days. Some have been spectacular and others nonexistent.

The project has taught me a lot about many things. I think the one concept that stands out is discipline. This project has helped me to develop discipline. There were many days where I didn't feel like making the effort to witness or to write. But I did. There were days of travel where it was challenging to get an entry in on the right date. But I did it. I realized that sometimes in life you just have to do what you said you would do. Therebis an old Buddhist saying that says before enlightenment you chop wood and carry water. Then, after enlightenment you chop wood and carry water. I love this phrase because it emphasizes that we must take disciplined action in order to get the most out of life. I am looking forward to taking such action in 2011.

30 December 2010


The sunrise was quiet and gorgeous this morning. I took this shot of Blue Mountain shortly after sunrise. It looks just like any skiing postcard you would get from Canada.

I am on a mission if tranquility today. It's funny how we have to schedule peacefulness into our lives. It seems like it should come naturally but that is not my experience. I have learned to set time aside to relax, slow down and just be. Today is such a day. Perhaps I will wind down 2010 in my mind and began to plant the seeds for 2011. Or maybe I'll just read my book.

29 December 2010

Another Day

It was another gray morning with no sunrise to speak of. It must be the time of year. I had hoped for a glorious Collingwood sunrise this morning. Perhaps tomorrow will be the one that I am waiting for.

This year is quickly drawing to a close. I have spent some time reflecting in the last few days. I realize that I have spent a lot of time preparing and organizing and perfecting but not as many days taking good old fashioned action. Action is the bridge between our thoughts and our reality. We must take action. Usually, we must take massive action. Our old paradigms and habits run deep in our lives so making changes to the paradigms takes massive and repetitive action. Action is the name of the game.

28 December 2010

Beautiful Birches

Finally a gorgeous sunrise. The golden sun was peeking through the birch trees this morning. It was a very picturesque scene with all of the snow. Looking out the window was like looking at a postcard.

I often forget how good life is. I tend to over focus on what's wrong in an effort to make it better. This morning I was reminded of just how really good it is. I chose to focus on that and then I started to see more goodness everywhere. Now I'm on a roll.

27 December 2010

Active Morning

There wasn't much of a sunrise this morning but the view from the top of Alpine was still pretty spectacular. All of Collingwood and the surrounding area is covered in a lot of snow. It was like waking up in a winter wonderland.

My kids were super excited to hit the ski hill today and were therefore up pretty early and raring to go. I love the enthusiasm kids have when they really want to do something. They have boundless energy and endless enthusiasm. It's infectious and makes even mundane tasks seem fun. We were commenting that kids seem to run everywhere, even just down the hall. Always running. Maybe that's the key. Be enthusiastic and run.

26 December 2010

Continuous Gray

There hasn't been one single sunrise since I've been in Windsor over the holidays. That's not say that the sun hasn't shone because it's out right now as I type this. It just seems that every morning it is hiding from view. Bad timing, I suppose.

Timing is everything. Many people always say that you have to be in the right place at the right time. While this is true, most people don't realize that you also have to take action. If you don't take action at the right time then your opportunity will be wasted. Action is the bridge between thinking and having. Action is what brings your thoughts into reality. If you find yourself in the right place at the right time then be sure to take some kind of massive action.

25 December 2010

Peaceful Day

A quiet Christmas morning. Well, who's kidding who? Santa was here and it was anything but quiet at 7am. But, it was fun!!

And it is a white Christmas this year. Very white. And very cold. The days are now officially getting longer in the northern hemisphere. I sure would love to see the sun. It's been a while. Peaceful blessings to everyone today!

24 December 2010

Christmas Eve

'twas the night before Christmas.... Well, actually it was the morning before Christmas and there wasn't a sun to be found anywhere. Just gray clouds bringing the promise of a white Christmas here in Windsor.

Christmas is a time for peace and for forgiveness. I have had a few opportunities to drop my ego in the name of love. It was well worth it. Someone once said that you can be happy or you can be right. I would offer a slight alteration. You can be loving or you can be right. Trust me. Loving is better!!

23 December 2010


I swear I took a photo this morning of the nonexistent snowy sunrise. But I can't find the photo anywhere on my iPhone. I know that I saw it save the photo but it has disappeared completely.

Life's weird like that sometimes. You swear that it's one way and it turns out completely wrong. I really believe that mishaps happen for a reason and that we should look for that reason when they are occurring. I wonder why I lost the picture. Perhaps there will be a better one tomorrow.

22 December 2010

Blowing Snow

The whole world was white this morning. The sky was white, the snow was white, the air was full if white snow. Even the Christmas lights were white. It was beautiful and especially nice to be inside.

This is a slow time of year and yet it feels incredibly hectic at the same time. It is the ultimate in multi-tasking. One year I'd like to do nothing except sit by a fire and read. I suppose I could do just that however my kids might have something to say about that.

21 December 2010

Winter Solstice

It was a calm and chilly morning on this, the shortest day of the year, for those of us in the northern hemisphere. There was ice forming along the edges of the lake and 3 swans graced me with their surprising presence as they foraged for food along the shore.

I am quite happy to have made it to the shortest day of the year. The days will only get longer now. Well, actually they will appear to standstill for 3 days and then, on Christmas day, the days will finally change direction and get longer and longer. I've heard that metaphor somewhere before. Anyway, I love this day because it reminds me that everything will pass. It gives me hope on the days when I feel like I am stuck. Speaking of endings, there are only 10 sunrises left in this project. Wow!

20 December 2010

Icy Reality

The state of the dock this morning reminded me that it really is winter. Despite the fact that it hasn't really been that cold and there hasn't really been that much snow, the icicles clinging to the side of the dock were a telltale sign that this is more than just a passing fancy. They look so beautiful when the lake is calm because you can't imagine how they possibly formed unless you know that they form when the lake is raging and the water is constantly washing over the top of the dock and freezing on its way down.

I love ice because it represents transformation to me. Despite being an adult and trained in chemical engineering, I am still fascinated with ice. Well, really it's water in its many forms that fascinates me. Water can be the most submissive and docile substance on earth taking the shape of any container. Paradoxically water can be one of the most destructive and powerful forces on earth in the form of a raging waterfall or thundering ice floe. Same substance, different form. Metaphorically, we also have powerful transformative abilities being able to adapt to our circumstances in many creative ways. The person who is willing to continuously transform and grow will ultimately prosper a very full life.

19 December 2010

Gentle Morning

The snow was softly falling this morning. The kind of snow you see in movies, just drifting from the sky and gently landing on everything but not really piling up anywhere. There was no sunrise to speak of but it seemed completely offset by the fact that the snow was creating such a serene scene. Toronto looks much more beautiful when it snows.

Sundays are typically gentle days. There are no schedules to follow and no deadlines to meet. I find Sunday to feel like a sigh and a hug. A snowfall on Sunday makes it all the more peaceful. My circumstances are usually anything but peaceful so the snow helps to offset the chaos that is reality with two kids and two businesses. Looking at the snow is a bit of an escape. Even better with a cup of tea. Maybe I'll put some snow in my tea :)

18 December 2010

Accepting What Is

I could tell that the weather wanted to change this morning. The gray clouds hung on long enough to prevent any sort of sunrise. However, they didn't last long after that. By noon, the sky had cleared to a pretty blue mottled with white puffs. It's too bad that it didn't happen at sunrise because it could have been spectacular. It was what it was.

How I often I have tried to not accept what is actually happening. How many times I have wished it to be some other way. Most of my angst comes from this type of behaviour. I find that when I am flexible and bend with the situation then it tends to turn out the best. Hanging on for my version of the what is should be is usually the biggest problem. Learning to accept what is actually happening is my biggest lesson.

17 December 2010


The sunrise was nonexistent this morning. The weather was at a standstill. It wasn't snowing but it wasn't not snowing either. It was hanging in the balance. Since the sunrise I have seen it snow and I have seen a brief glimpse of the sun. The whole thing feels utterly uncertain.

Uncertainty is not my strong point. I much prefer certainty. That being said, when things are too predictable then I get squirmy for some variety. But when there is too much variety, too much chaos then I yearn for certainty again. It feels like a tug of war. I remember writing that balance was a dynamic state. Well this has a lot to with balance. I suppose the real trick is learning to be flexible enough to handle the varying levels of certainty and uncertainty with grace and even ease.

16 December 2010

Surprise Morning

There were quite a few centimetres of snow this morning. I didn't even know it was supposed to snow last night. It was very light and fluffy snow with enormous snowflakes. A walk down to the lake this morning revealed a pristine blanket of soft white beauty.

Surprises keep things interesting. Otherwise it would always be business-as-usual. A surprise is a great way to shake up your reticular activating system and get it set to start looking for something different. A surprise will almost always shift your focus. If it's a surprise that you want then it will also give you a host of positive emotions. Surprise yourself today and see what happens.

15 December 2010

Beautiful Morning

I always the day after a snowstorm ends. It is crisp, clear, cold and beautiful. The whole world is blanketed in bright, white snow. Despite the fact that we are approaching the shortest day of the year, the brightness of the snow allows for reflection of the sun making it seem twice as bright.

Perhaps that just a trick of perspective but if I think it is bright then doesn't that make all the difference in my attitude? Fake it till you make it is a popular saying. There is some truth in it because your attitude is what really sets all of your results into motion. If you focus on what's right and get in control of your emotional responses then you will be at your peak potential in terms of reaching your goal. It's worth it then to make up reasons why things are looking good. It helps you get where you are going.

14 December 2010

Moving On

This snowstorm appears to be moving on. At least that's what I thought. However, it's still snowing from this morning so maybe not. The weather person said that it feels like minus thirty out there. Yikes!! We Canadians are a tough bunch. That's seriously cold!

I just read an article that over 300 people were stranded in their cars overnight during the snowstorm last night. Overnight! In a car!! That's either tough or crazy or both. But I guess you do what you need to do when a crisis presents itself. These people had to figure out a way to stay warm throughout the freezing night. Farmers came out to help them. Truckers offered their cabs. People shared blankets. Thankfully, no one was injured. That's amazing and a testament to the creativity and compassion of everyone involved. When push comes to shove you will find that you always have the resources within you to deal with whatever comes your way. Even if that resource includes getting help from someone else. The point is to remain focused on your end goal and do what you need to do.

13 December 2010

About Face

This morning was the opposite of yesterday. It was minus ten, at least, and felt much colder in the wind. There was no chance of seeing the sun.

It seemed so bleak out there that you would wonder if it was ever going to change. Some days are just like that. They seem so bad and it just keeps piling up. I have had days like this. They also seem to last forever. So far, my best strategy is to start to look for what's right. Sooner or later it turns around.

12 December 2010

5 Degrees

It's pouring rain this morning and cold out but not freezing. It's five degrees above zero. Rain, at this temperature, is torture. I remember ten years of freezing cold rain during the winters in Vancouver. It goes right through you. There is no sunrise to speak of, just a lighter shade of gray sky each moment.

If it were only five degrees colder then all of this rain would be beautiful snow. It wouldn't be a drag, it would be a winter wonderland. It's amazing that five little degrees can make that much difference in perception. Invariably, there will be people who prefer the freezing cold rain to the snow. However, I am not one of them and I am the one writing this blog. I love the clean, crisp look of snow and I don't mind the cold. Most Canadians will tell you that there is very little difference between -10 and -15. Cold is cold and usually five little degrees matters not. Except today. It matters a lot. I think it's like that in most of life. Everything would change dramatically if we only changed about five degrees. It doesn't take much.

11 December 2010

It's Just a Ride

It was quite a dark sunrise this morning. However, the sun did manage to find its way through any available opening. I particularly liked the small opening through which the sun showed up as bright orange. It was a breathtaking little paradox.

"Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down..." go the lyrics to a brilliant song that I was listening to this morning. It's called "It's Just a Ride" by Jem and she makes a very valid point in the song. You get what you get and your job is to do the best you can with it and have fun in the process. How often I forget this perspective when I get attached to life turning out my way as I have it planned. It is a lot easier to live with what actually is and enjoy the moments I've got.

10 December 2010

Manhattan Morning

I watched a subtle sunrise over the NYC skyscrapers this morning. It was a welcome view from all of the electric lights of the city. It seems like this city is always alive.

Part of what I love about NYC is the fact that everyone here is chasing their dreams. You have to bring your "A" game to New York. Excellence is everywhere. You can feel it. Most people in NYC are living their dreams even if it costs them their entire life to find it. I think that is a much better fate than simply living a life that costs you your dreams.

09 December 2010

The Impression of Increase

I watched the sunrise this morning with my best friend from 25,000 feet on the way to NYC for an art opening. I watched the sunrise get gradually lighter and more beautiful. It just kept increasing.

Do you leave everyone you meet with of impression of increase? Do you make the world just a little bit better? I like to think that I do. I sincerely want to make a huge difference in the lives of others. Ask yourself today "what could I do that would leave the impression of increase?"

08 December 2010


Everything was calm this morning. Everything - the lake, the air, the snow, the sunrise. Calm was all around. It was kind of weird. Even the dogs on the beach were calm. I can usually count on at least one dog accosting me on my morning walk but not today. Calm.

Calm is not something I experience on a regular basis. In fact, it usually eludes me. What stuck me as interesting is that calm was there this morning without me even thinking about it. I'm proud of myself for noticing it. I just sat there for a few minutes listening to calm. It did wonders for my morning attitude and spun off into great productivity. Who knew that such a little 4-letter word would be so powerful?

07 December 2010

Blanket of Beauty

The snow stopped falling at some point late last night. We awoke to a cottony blanket of snow and a gray sky. Only now, a few hours later, are the clouds breaking up. It is going to be a gorgeous day. It's amazing what a blanket of snow can do for the scenery. Despite the fact that the trees are all barren and the grass has stopped growing and there isn't a flower in sight, a blanket of snow brightens up the landscape to the point where it looks more beautiful than before.

Things aren't always what they seem. I used to view the world in black and whites. I used to think there was only one way to do it and one way to not do it. As I get older I am starting to see shades of gray. I am beginning to understand that there is no right way and that what's more important is that I do what's right in my heart in that moment. This perspective also gives me the ability to see another person's point of view without being attached to it. It leaves us both space to expand.

06 December 2010

Snowy Sunrise

There was a beautiful brilliant surprise this morning: a soft blanket of snow. The air always seems more peaceful after a snowfall. Perhaps the vibration of the snow crystals changes the air somehow. There was no wind, just gently falling snow. They were the kind of snowflakes you used to make out of paper when you were kid - lots of beautiful detail.

I got to thinking how each snowflake is unique. It's really hard to imagine when there is so much snow falling at one time. Yet, each and every one is different. It's the same with people. We like to think that we are the same but we're not. We're each very unique. Yes, of course, we are similar but no two people are exactly the same. That's the point. Your potential is your potential. It cannot be realized by anyone other than you. You aren't going to get any permission to be who you are. You just have to take your space and become who you are now.

05 December 2010


The sunrise looks ordinary this morning. There isn't much fanfare or glowing golden light. There are some fairly ominous clouds on the horizon hinting at the snowstorm that is on the way. We will surrender to the snow today in the same way that the sunrise surrenders to the formation of the clouds when it appears. Resistance is futile.

You will get to a point in your life where you will make this realization for yourself. Resistance to change is futile and will only serve to increase pain and suffering in your life. Change is inevitable, suffering is optional. I might add that suffering is also self-inflicted. You are stronger than you think you are. So much more than you can imagine. You can handle what life throws you and you know it. Shrinking away doesn't make change go away. Step up. You can do the thing that you think you cannot do. Become who you are!

04 December 2010

Golden Lining

You know that every cloud has a silver lining but did you know that, at sunrise, some clouds have golden linings? The horizon was obscured by a thin layer of cloud all along the edge. I couldn't tell where sun would actually rise. Then, I saw the golden lining. It was faint, at first, just a thin golden thread. It grew stronger and thicker until the sun eventually burst over the rim of the cloud.

The golden lining started out very small, very faint. It was almost not there at all. Gradually, over time, it continued to get stronger leading up to a very beautiful sunrise. Results are the same way. For a long time, it seems as though it will never happen. In fact, it often seems as though nothing is happening. But if you continue focusing on what you want and taking action towards your goal then eventually the results will start to breakthrough. It takes faith, perseverance and commitment.

03 December 2010


It was such a peaceful, quiet and pretty morning along the lake at dawn. There were very few people and the lake was almost dead calm. A few times, I felt like the only person on earth. I came across the tree in the second photo that someone had lovingly adorned with Christmas decorations. I wondered who the person was and then speculated on the motivation for decorating just one little tree. I assumed it had to be a gesture towards a loved one lost.

This type of contemplation softens me. It causes me to take stock of everything in my own life. It puts me in a gratitude mood. Then, I start noticing everything that I am grateful for and the effect snowballs. It was only a 30 minute walk but it set a softer tone for the rest of my day.

02 December 2010

Seize the Day You Have

The sky was gray again today. Cold. Windy. Gray. Same as yesterday and the day before. I took a picture anyway because I realized that waiting for a more beautiful shot could take days still. It is winter after all and the weather is very unstable.

It dawned on me that I am partial to taking photos only on the days that are colourful and beautiful. However, I have come to appreciate the subtle beauty in shades of gray as my very good friend Sara Genn can paint the most sublime paintings using only gray tones. I wonder how many other things I put off because they aren't perfect and yet they are perfect in some other way. We don't get to pick our circumstances but we do get to pick our responses. Regardless of what's happening we can always choose to see beauty.

01 December 2010


Today looked like yesterday. Gray. Wet. Cold. Bleak. I seriously think that these types of days are designed to force us to want to hunker down for an extended period of time and hibernate. There was no colour change in the sky this morning save for a lightening of the dark gray colour.

Repetition builds habits. In fact, it takes about 21 days to install a habit and another 21 days to master it. In total it takes about 42 days of repetition to make a habit stick. Imagine what you could change if you stuck with something for 42 days straight. It needs to be 42 days straight. If you miss a day, you really need to start over. If you want a different result then you need to do things differently. Try something new for 42 days and see what happens.

30 November 2010


There was no hope of a sunrise this morning. It's raining so hard that it appears endless. The rain is actually bouncing off the ground. If it were only five degrees colder it would be a beautiful snowfall.

It always amazes and impresses me when it rains so hard. I spent a decade living in Vancouver so I've seen my fair share of endless downpours. The resources seem limitless. It makes me reflect on our own capabilities. We are also limitless yet most people won't or can't acknowledge it. We can handle so much more than we think we can. It usually takes pushing us to the limit to discover these deep resources but they are always there. In some cases they are literally waiting to be summoned.

29 November 2010

Fire in the Sky

There were just a few wispy clouds in the sky this morning but enough to give the light something to bounce off. It was a striking array of light and colour. It looked like a really hot fire along the horizon.

Fire burns. It cleanses. It renews. Think of the phoenix rising from the ashes. This metaphor outlines the possibilities of reinventing yourself anew. The opportunity usually comes when everything else has been stripped away. I wrote about this concept in The Secret of Successful Failing when outlining the steps to use your failures as the building blocks to your successes. Granted this doesn't always feel good. In fact, it usually feels quite disconcerting. The old way of being literally dies away and is replaced by a new way of being. The time in between feels completely undirected, unbounded and uncertain. Winston Churchill once remarked "if you're going through hell, keep going."

28 November 2010


It was such a peaceful walk this morning. The boardwalk was dotted with beautiful Christmas lights all along the way. Last night, we had a community mini-event to watch as they illuminated the tree lights for the first time this season. The lights are put on by a real estate office in the community. It's not an official city event. Rather, a random gathering of people in the neighbourhood to spend some time together. The lights are still on when I walk because they go out when the lampposts turn off.

A strong community is worth its weight in gold. It makes general living more enjoyable, more colourful and more interesting. It also makes it safer for everyone because as a group we can look out for each other. A vibrant community is reflective of the people that live in the neighbourhood. The community is only as strong as each individual in the community. When one person stops to pick up garbage or to decorate a lone tree in the park then it makes the entire collective stronger.

27 November 2010

Hunker Down

Winter is here. It's snowing for real right now. This morning was gray and cold and windy. And yet, the ice crystals that formed overnight were so beautiful as they glittered in the light of the lampposts.

This morning finds me in action towards my goals. Nothing can replace solid action driven by a purpose. Many people missed that point when they embraced the teachings in things like The Secret. It's very important to have a laser-sharp focus and to marry this mental process with a powerful congruent emotion. However, once the internal work is done then massive action must be taken from that powerful foundation. Action is what brings the energetic inner work into reality in the external world. Action is the bridge between inside and outside.

26 November 2010

Change is in the Air

Windy is an understatement. The sunrise was definitely outdone by the wind this morning. Bordering on freezing temperatures, the sunrise was hidden this morning. Although, the sun did make an appearance at about 8am shining brightly through a momentary break in the overcast skies. This is the kind of morning that brings a change. I think it's going to snow.

Change is like that. It usually doesn't feel very good. In fact, when things start to change, most people try to go backwards and return to the way it was. How does the old saying go? "Resistance is futile!" Once change has begun then you can't reverse the process. Try to ride out the challenging days by staying focused on your end result or by focusing on the little things that are going right. You have the power to direct your focus at all times. Make sure to remember that when things are changing and you were wishing that they weren't.

25 November 2010


Just when you think you've seen it all, you get a sunrise like this morning. The wind was so strong that I thought it was going to pick me up and throw me around. The photo is blurry because it is obscured by grains of sand flying throughout the air propelled by the insane wind. Not a very calm sunrise to say the least.

We have an awesome amount of power in as well. In the same way that the gale force wind could come from nowhere, we too can summon all of our power at will. It takes practice and belief. You have to submit to the idea that you are more than you think you are. You are so much more. Once you have grasped this reality then you are in a starting position to create what you want in your life. Try it, just for today.

24 November 2010

Interesting Observation

The lake was dead-calm and the sky was almost completely clear. I noticed something very interesting about the sunrise. There wasn't much to photograph because nothing was changing. Everything was still and steady. It was beautiful but it wasn't exciting. I didn't realize how much I liked the influence of the clouds and the wind. I found myself looking for objects to photograph instead of just photographing the actual sunrise.

I started to think about all the times in my life when I would try to wish away the chaos. Or the times when I would beg for a little peace and quiet. Now I am starting to question that strategy. Perhaps the challenges and perturbations in life are there to keep things interesting as well as to help us grow and evolve. Might life get a little boring if nothing ever changed or nothing ever happened? I know that it helps to focus on what's right when things are changing but perhaps it might also help to focus on what's changing and hold it as a point of interest instead of point of resistance.

23 November 2010

Possibility of Change

There was no sunrise again this morning. The sky has been overcast for days. Yet, I am hopeful because I know that at some point the clouds will break. In fact, they appear to be breaking right now as I type this. For me, the clouds represent the possibility of change. I know that better days are on the horizon.

It's like that with anything in life. The challenges and hardships gives us something to compare against. I'm sure you've heard the saying that it takes darkness to recognize the light. The polarity of opposites is what allows us to distinguish between what we want and what we do not want. If life were always sunny then we would never really know what we were truly capable of. The challenges give us context.

22 November 2010

Start Small

The lake looked like an ocean on this overcast morning. The waves were crashing on the shore at regular intervals. It always amazes me that this same lake can be dead calm on some days. It all starts with a little wind. It doesn't take much wind to cause the waves to happen. Once there is momentum with the waves then it takes very little wind to maintain the waves.

It all starts small. It always does. At first, it may seem as though nothing is really happening but after time there can be big results. Some results take longer to produce than others. It's important to maintain momentum even when it appears like nothing is changing. This is usually the hardest time to stay focused on what you want. It's the "test". But you have to remain focused on what you want without question and especially when things get challenging. Focus is a very big part in determining whether or not you will achieve your goal. Most people give up on the their focus early by giving attention to what they don't want. You must remain focused on what you want until you actually have your results in your reality. Then you can move to another goal.

21 November 2010

Quiet Day

Totally overcast this morning. And I'm grateful for that. It's the morning after my 40th birthday celebration. I got up at sunrise and then went back to bed after a moment of contemplation. I realized that even the sun wanted me to stay in bed this morning. It is snowing as I write this. The snow is melting as soon as it hits the ground but there is definitely white stuff falling from the sky. There is no denying it, winter is making an entrance.

It reminds me of the process of change. Once the process of change has begun there is no going back to the old way of being. Pain and suffering are a result of resisting the changes which have been set in motion. It's similar to the analogy of removing a band-aid. The best way is always to rip it off as fast as possible. Short term pain for long term gain.

20 November 2010

Beachy Heaven

It felt significantly warmer this morning despite being only 6 degrees. The sand wasn't frozen anymore. The light in the sky expanded and reached outwards in all directions. The tone of the morning was very expansive.

Expansion is one of my goals for this coming year. So much more can be accomplished when we are in an expansion mode. We have a greater ability to see possibilities and more use of our creative faculties. We are set to look for opportunities when we expand. Conversely, shutting down is destructive on many fronts. First, it alienates us from other people but it also cuts us off from our own inner self. The key is to stay open when you want to close. That is your real work.

19 November 2010

The Little Things

It was freezing this morning. Literally. There was frost on the boardwalk and the sand was slightly frozen and very easy to walk on. It's impossible to pretend that winter is not literally around the corner. However, the sunrises are particularly beautiful this time of year with lots of colour and character. I was delighted to see the swan couple at the water's edge this morning. They make for such beautiful silhouettes and they also add variety to the scenery.

It's the little things in life that usually make the difference. Like the swans this morning. Their presence changed the landscape and gave me something different to focus on. And they were graceful and beautiful to watch as well. This possibility exists in any area of life if you are willing to see what is new and different right in front of you.

18 November 2010

A New Era

There shouldn't have been a sunrise today. The sky was completely overcast and it has been raining for 3 days straight. Yet, I was determined to go for a walk and watch the sunrise today because it is my 40th birthday. Every year for a long time, I have been watching the sunrise on my birthday. Obviously, this isn't as big of a deal this year since I have watched 321 sunrises in 2010 so far. Against all cloud-cover odds there was a beautiful golden sunrise this morning through the only gap in the clouds. It was a precious gift from you-know-who.

This particular sunrise is a big deal to me because it marks the first one at age 40. Not only is this a new year, it is a new era for me. I like new eras. They hold so much possibility. My intention is to take this decade by storm. I want to play a bigger game. I want to impact a lot more people. I want to love more than I ever have. These things all sound cliche but I'm pretty serious about accomplishing them. I intend to be like the sunrise this morning. I intend to find any gap in the proverbial cloud-cover through which I can shine my own light. And I intend to start today.

17 November 2010


There was no sunrise that I could see this morning. Hence, no picture. It is raining and cold and blustery and cold and cold. This type of day begs for a roaring fire in the fireplace and a cup of anything hot to drink. It's the kind of day that makes you feel cold through and through.

Life is full of tests. They could be big tests or little tests but they happen all the time. The moment that you define what you want and set out to achieve it is the exact time that you will be presented with your first test. The testing actually helps you to understand your boundaries. Your job is to keep focused on what you want and be relentless in your pursuit of your goal. It makes me think of the emergency broadcast signal that used to play on TV when I was a kid. The announcer used to say "this is only a test, if this had been a real emergency then you would have been given specific instructions." It makes me laugh because life's like that. So the next time you get presented with a challenge, remember, it's only a test.

16 November 2010

Changing Direction

I haven't been down to my beach in many weeks due to all of my travels. I was shocked to discover the sun so far in the south. It makes sense for the shortest day of the year is just around the corner and yet the difference in location was startling. It really is almost winter here in Canada. I think I've been in denial with all of my travel to the southern hemisphere.

The sun is almost at its most southerly point. Only about 5 weeks to go. Then, it will hang in limbo for 3 days while it changes direction and begins the move northward again. It only takes the 3 days to completely change the momentum and direction of our light source. It doesn't take much to change your direction either. It starts with an intention and is followed by action in accordance with that intention. There will be a period of lag as your momentum and direction halts and changes direction. Stay focused during this time. The change you are looking for could literally be right around the corner.

15 November 2010

Routine Rise

The sun rise was fairly routine this morning in Toronto. The day started out quite cloudy but was a brilliant sunny day by about 9am. The light from the sun was even more brilliant when it illuminated all of the fall colours. The trees are almost bare but there are plenty of coloured leaves on the ground and a few stubborn trees all around.

Routines give us structure and help us to get things done. Without any routines then life would just be a constant single-event day with no connection. The trick is to give your life enough structure so you can accomplish all of your goal but allow for enough fluidity so that you can be flexible in your behaviour. Balance is not a static concept. It's dynamic and ever-changing. The trick is to be aware of what you need when you need it.

14 November 2010

A Shiny New Day

Despite the thick clouds that were trying to prevent a sunrise, the sun blasted its way into the morning. The band of light at the horizon was stunning and blinding.

Miami Beach is such an interesting place. All of the buildings are art deco which gives the town a very unique character. We all have characteristics that differentiate us. Yet so many people try to fit into a norm or conform to a sameness. It is the idiosyncracies that give life flavour. How else would you know you were you if it weren't for the things that made you different?

13 November 2010

Miami morning

Gorgeous Atlantic sunrise this morning. We are staying across the street from the ocean so I walked over this morning to watch the sun rise over the Atlantic ocean for a change. Strange how l was on the other side of the pacific only a couple days ago. It's different.

Diversity is important. If for nothing else than to keep things interesting. I'm here in Miami with 3 of my girlfriends from university. We have known each other for 20+ years and have been through a lot of life together. We are all so different and yet it is our very differences that make our friendships so strong. The differences in opinions and perspectives give needed depth to our challenges and struggles. Many a-ha moment is had in this group of women. Diversity is the secret of our success.

12 November 2010

On the Move

I'm up again on my way to the airport. It's going to be another stunningly gorgeous day. I have been travelling a lot lately and focusing on how grateful I am that I am fortunate enough to be able to travel. I love seeing new places and experiencing new things.

The thing I love the most about traveling is the change in routine. I think it keeps me fresh and open to new ideas. I also love the food. It's usually very different than my regular dishes. All of this newness provides an opportunity for me to build new neural networks. This keeps my brain active and ensures that I am in growth mode. They say the best thing you can do as you age is to test and tax your brain to keep it healthy. Puzzles such as crosswords or sudoku also help to keep your mind sharp. It doesn't matter what you do so long as you keep changing things and trying new things.

11 November 2010

Home Again

The leaves are falling fast in Toronto. I awoke to a very chilly morning. In fact, it was the coldest morning that I have seen in many months. The ground is almost completely covered with leaves. There are still a few stubborn oak trees that haven't given up one single leaf yet. I watched the sun rise many times in the last 24 hours. What a weird sensation to fly for almost 24 hours and have almost no time pass on the clock. Makes me wonder about time in general.

When you fly across the international date line, the date just changes. It's a bizarre feeling, especially when you fly "backwards" as I did yesterday. I left Auckland at 8pm and arrived in Vancouver at noon on the same date. I finally arrived in Toronto at 10pm. Is time really arbitrary? Is it something that we constructed? Who decided? It's good to ask questions about things that are assumed. How many things do you just take for granted as being true that have never fallen under your questioning scrutiny? Questioning breed innovation, design and invention. It doesn't matter what you question so long as you do it. It's important to never stop asking questions and challenging assumptions and outdated ways of thinking.

10 November 2010


By the time that I get home today I will have watched the sun rise a few times on my way from Auckland to Toronto. I watched the sunrise in Auckland from the top of St. Helier's Bay Road this morning. The sky was a blend of cloud cover and sunlight as it found its way through the cracks.

Transitions are never easy. It doesn't matter what you are doing, change is usually a bumpy road. I've found that the best way to navigate change is to do it quickly and without reserve or hesitation. Change also takes a lot of energy so it's a good idea to stay fit and healthy if you are navigating a change. There's no question though, change is always worth the hassles and the struggles because there is a whole new world waiting on the other side.

09 November 2010


What struck me as different this morning when I awoke in Auckland were the birds. First of all, there were chickens. I kid you not. Chickens. But they were sort of singing. Then there was the bird that sounded like the control panel of the starship Enterprise. Birds were the theme of this morning's sunrise. They are definitely different than any birds I've ever heard in Canada.

Differences keep life interesting and prevent it from getting stale. I know that the best way to mix things up is to change the routine. It could even be as easy as taking a different way to work. Noticing what's different is as important as changing something in your life. It's also important to always be growing and innovating. Someone wise once said to me that you are either growing or dying. I suppose the choice is yours.

08 November 2010

Golden Goodbye

The sunrise from Sydney airport was bittersweet. I have been here for so long that I am sad to say goodbye. However, the sunrise was most stunning with the reflection of the light off the clouds casting a fiery glow all over the airport. It really was breathtaking and made the 3am wake-up call completely worthwhile.

Ending things can be challenging. I know it is something that I struggle with. I'm usually better with starting new thing than with ending something. It was hard to say goodbye to the Australian springtime, the sun and all the beaches. However, I also excited about going home to crisp autumn nights and brilliant sunrises. In every ending, there is a new beginning.