19 September 2010

Shades of Dark

I was up before the sun this morning. In fact, I was up before the light this morning. It was pitch dark when I set out upon the boardwalk. I was shocked at how dark it was. After my eyes adjusted, I realized that there were actual shades of darkness. At first glance, it appeared like there was no colour but over time it became quite clear that there was plenty of colour; just various shades of darkness. There was a distinct point when it was no longer shades of darkness but rather shades of lightness. I definitely noticed it.

There is always a turning point in life. The interesting thing about turning points is that you don't know you have passed the turning point until you are well beyond it and can look backwards. If you aren't sure that you passed your turning point then it's likely that you have not. Keep moving in the direction of your goal. Keep focused on what you want regardless of what life throws your way. Before you know it, you will be looking backwards and seeing your turning point in the rear view mirror.

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