The sky was uniformly overcast this morning. The blanket of thick grey clouds was low on the horizon. It was a though I could almost reach up and touch it. I think if it were one degree colder then there would have been a big mist over the lake.
30 September 2010
Blanket of Peace
The sky was uniformly overcast this morning. The blanket of thick grey clouds was low on the horizon. It was a though I could almost reach up and touch it. I think if it were one degree colder then there would have been a big mist over the lake.
29 September 2010
A Moment of Beauty
28 September 2010
Rainy Rainy
27 September 2010
26 September 2010
Clarity and Contrasts
25 September 2010
24 September 2010
Unexpected Beauty
23 September 2010
The Tipping Point
The autumnal equinox took place last night at 11:09pm in Toronto so today marks the first full day of autumn in the northern hemisphere. The equinox was also marked by a spectacular full moon following the equinox at precisely 5:17am. So as the days turn to more darkness so too does the moon begin it's waning cycle. The equinox marks the tipping of the balance of light and darkness in our days. I watched the tipping point this morning as I simultaneously observed the full moon set in the west while the brilliant sun rose in the east to greet the first day of fall. It was like standing right on the fulcrum of a teeter-totter.
22 September 2010
21 September 2010
Imperceptible Change
20 September 2010
Highway of Light
19 September 2010
Shades of Dark
18 September 2010
Solitary Contemplation
I was the only person on the beach this morning. In a city of nearly 3 million people, there wasn't another soul walking along the boardwalk before sunrise today. Too bad for them because they missed one of the most stunning sunrises ever. It was a colour and light explosion.
17 September 2010
Simple Gratitude
16 September 2010
Gentle Preparations
15 September 2010
14 September 2010
Golden Glow
13 September 2010
Repetitive Brilliance
12 September 2010
Clear as a Bell
11 September 2010
Quick Transition
10 September 2010
Hectic Morning
The sunrise snuck up on me this morning. It was a very early morning flight to Chicago with plenty of excitement. We were sitting on the runway waiting for clearance when the red sun burst up over the horizon.
It was a great lesson in slowing down this morning. It's so easy to miss the details when you are rushing around being busy. I often wonder what other beautiful things that I have overlooked in my life during periods of being really busy. That sunrise this morning was spectacular and I am glad that we had to sit on the runway because the pause allowed me to notice it. Perhaps we need more pauses.
09 September 2010
There are creative days and there are work days. This is definitely a working day. I get into a specific state on my work days. I get very focused on the tasks at hand so I can get then done. It's interesting to notice how this narrow focus prevents me from seeing much else. This is a good thing on days like today but it could be a problem if I lived like this all the time because I would lose sight of the big picture.
08 September 2010
07 September 2010
Misty Illusions
06 September 2010
It's funny how the sunrise so often reflects exactly where I am at. I definitely need a day off today. Perhaps the overcast day will encourage me to turn inwards today and take care of myself. In our busy harried world, we forget to take downtime and slow down. But we need to rejuvenate properly so we can have the energy we need to live our lives to the fullest.
05 September 2010
How do you decide what are your duties and what are not? What criteria make it a duty, aside from a paying job? Is it obligation? Mutual expectation? Do you perform duties with joy or resentment? These are all valid questions because my guess is that if you performed your duties with joy and excitement then the whole quality of your life experience would be raised. After all, this morning's sunrise was just beautiful as yesterday's.
04 September 2010
Preconceived Notions
03 September 2010
The sun has been slowly moving across the sky since the summer solstice on the 21st of June. It is almost at its halfway point. So, it was odd to see the big cloud lit up this morning with reds and golds so far away from where the sun would actually rise.
02 September 2010
Lazy Days
01 September 2010
Hazy Anticipation
The sun hesitated behind the cedar and pine trees this morning. It seemed a though it would never actually appear. The light was muted by the thick august haze that is so usual this time of year. It was like being in a dream.
So many things actually happen during time spent waiting. It seems as though waiting is the most boring thing you can do. But if you actually pay attention then you will notice a myriad of happenings going on. It all depends on your attention and your focus.