04 August 2010


I arose early this morning eager to watch the sunrise over the mountains in Julian again. I crept upstairs at the B&B we were staying at and made my way to the deck in the early dawn. The sun was just beginning to brighten the sky. I waited there, patiently at first and then a little less patiently as it seemed to take forever. My anticipation was growing and it seemed that it would never actually occur.

It did, however, give me an opportunity to muse about my impatience. I am often impatient. At what cost, I wondered? What else was I missing by focusing on my anticipation. Much. I was missing much. I began to look around at that point and started to notice everything that I had been missing. Everything that was right in front of me. The hills are very rocky here. Not in a granite slab, cliff sort of way but rather the hills are covered with boulders. They are really unlike anything I'm used to. In fact, the whole hillside is gorgeous. As was the sky and the trees. There was even a rooster crowing in the distance. Not sure how I missed that but focusing on being impatient has a way of erasing the obvious. It was a good lesson in refocusing my attention. Pay attention to what gets your attention.

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