The sunrise got better as time went on this morning. The beginning of the sunrise was not really that impressive but as the sun started to get up over the horizon and interact with the clouds and the sky, the whole thing turned into quite a beautiful show. Coupled with the fact that Lake Ontario was dead-calm made it even more beautiful as the sunrise reflected in the lake like a mirror.
Carl Jung said that "perception is projection" meaning you don't really experience people for who THEY are. You actually experience as YOU are. His concept is profoundly simple and yet extremely complicated at the same time. Everyone in your experience is a reflection of some aspect of you on an unconscious level. To the extent that you experience negative emotions about these people and/or events, Jung would say that those are your most unconscious qualities looking for resolution. There is a lot of power in looking at the world this way. There is also a lot of frustration. I suppose it depends on how willing you are to look deep within yourself and face what you see.
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