29 March 2010

Wet and Rainy

And grey. The cloud cover is pretty thick and it's challenging to to see the light of the sun behind. It's after 9am and still pretty grey and dark outside. It's not storming, just dark and grey. However if I focus on the breaks in the clouds I can see very bright light. The little breaks are few and far between but they are there. I notice that when I focus on them the whole sky seems brighter.

What you focus on expands. If you look for what's right, you'll get more of what's right. This also works in reverse, when you look for what's wrong then you'll get more of what's wrong. I can also focus on the really dark patches of the sky and whole thing seems to get dimmer. It's like that with everything in my life. When I focus on what I want then I draw more of what I need into my life in order to get what I want. The trick is to maintain positive focus when the circumstances of life are challenging. Think of them as little tests and then just pass each one as it comes along.

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