03 February 2010


Have you ever noticed that the sun never rises halfway? It doesn't come up and then change its mind. It's an all or nothing effort. Even if it's cloudy or foggy or snowy or rainy, the sun always rises and does the best it can with what it has to work with. This morning we had an absolutely stunning sunrise despite the fog and mist that is so common at this time of year in Santa Monica. The sun just kept on rising and eventually the fog gave way.

This principle also serves me well in my life. Playing at 100%. Life is more fun and things just turn out better when I play at 100%. It doesn't matter what I am doing. Giving it my fullest effort (and then some) is the point. I heard a quote at the Vemma convention last week. The speaker said "don't give it all YOU'VE got...rather, give it all IT TAKES". What a powerful distinction. How many times have I given up at 99%? It's a great question to ask - not to belittle my efforts but rather to notice how often I give up on my dream, how often I give up on my 100%. Today, I will play full out and give life what it takes to be awesome!

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