I find myself in this position in my life sometimes - wanting the period of renewal to begin after a long time of inactivity. I think 2010 is going to be an amazing year filled with many surprises. I just want to start seeing some them now instead of waiting for the tulips to bloom.
28 February 2010
Plugging On
The sky was the same colour all day today - grey. In fact, the light didn't really change one bit today. I am longing to see a really vibrant and burning sunrise. It seems that winter is dragging on and on. Yet, when I was in Vancouver last week, the flowers and blossoms were in full swing so there is hope on the horizon. This is the time of year where faith and focus comes in really handy. It's hard to hold on to thoughts of summer when the winter wind keeps pounding the snow in full force.
27 February 2010
No Break
It doesn't matter how tired the sun is, it has got to rise every day. Me, on the other hand, I can pay attention to when I need more rest. That day was today. I did arise at sunrise but jumped quickly back into bed for what the Brit's call a "lie-in". We spent over 12 hours travelling yesterday and I was just plain knackered.
I think it's important to pay attention to fatigue because my guess is that it is responsible for most meltdowns. Take, my kids for example. They had a few meltdowns today. I am sure that is because they are also tired and jet lagged. I have some compassion for their little bodies but I still find it challenging to accept their meltdown behaviour outright. Instead, I am attempting to help them understand that they are tired and need to pay attention to that tiredness instead of taking it out on the rest of us.
26 February 2010
It was raining when we got up today at the crack of dawn in Vancouver. I watched the "sunrise" from the airplane. I use quotation marks because there wasn't actually any sun at all. However, once we rose above the clouds, it was heaven. Isn't that always the way? When you rise above your circumstances there is always a solution. It is usually the change in perspective that allows for the possibility.
The other reason why rising above your circumstances usually solves your problem is because you essentially "chunk-up" to a higher purpose. Usually, in this higher purpose your problem dissolves because there is a much bigger picture involved. I have found that problems usually exist in the "details". If you dissolve the details then you can usually dissolve the problem.
25 February 2010
The Other Direction
While I was walking this morning on my last morning walk in Vancouver, I noticed a very gray sky. This is common this time of year. However, much to my surprise in the opposite direction was a beautiful sky. In fact, it was a stunning sky. If I hadn't turned around I never would have noticed it. It was in the opposite direction.
How often have I looked in the direction that I am going and missed the beauty in the opposite direction? In fact, I always say that the solutions we seek are not in our direct path and often lie in our periphery. In this case, it was 180 degrees in the opposite direction. What if it were that easy? What if we just have to turn around and carry on?
24 February 2010
Snowing in Whistler
Not much sun today because it is snowing this morning in Whistler. It's the wet snow that is so telling of the west coast. It's heavy and thick and coats everything it touches. Sometimes I feel heavy and thick and needing to cling to something as well. Maybe it's the same experience.
We have only 2 days left in Vancouver and this whole Olympic experience has been a whirlwind. I'm glad for the break in breathtaking beauty. It gives me time to get packed up and organized to go home. It also makes it easier to leave this gorgeous place.
23 February 2010
A Day Off
There are clouds in the sky today. The sun is obscured. It is taking a day off. The last few days have been so spectacular. It's kind of nice to have a break from constantly looking at how beautiful the sky is so as to be able to focus on other things, like packing. We have only one night left in Whistler and we have to get our gear together and get organized. We love being here and our experience has been awesome. But we really needed a break from all the breathtaking beauty to be able to concentrate on the necessary tasks.
It's like that in life. There are necessary tasks that need to get done and it takes focus to actually get them done. They are not the glamorous tasks but they are the necessary ones. I don't really like doing the necessary tasks but I do recognize their importance in my life. So I do them with diligence and give them my all. After all, the way you do anything is the way you do everything!
22 February 2010
More Whistler More Beauty
It's never-ending here. The beautiful skies just keep going and going. The sun must be getting tired of being in the spotlight for so many days in a row. I know that I do. In fact, twice this week, I have gone to bed before my kids fell asleep. I am tired of always being on the go. I think it's important to recharge my batteries although I often remember this when I am over tired and therefore already grumpy.
I am looking for ways to build the recharging right into my routine so that I can keep ahead of burn-out. I'm not sure if it is simply a matter of doing less or more an issue of taking time each day to refill my tank. This, of course, requires knowing what exactly refills the tank. It seems to be a process of trial and error. What isn't?
21 February 2010
It Keeps on Shining
Another picture-perfect sunrise in Whistler. I think the Canadian Olympic Team wishes it were having the same luck. It seems as though Canada gets 5th place a lot. I wonder if that's because we are missing that final "all or nothing" attitude or perhaps we are just content to let someone else win. I can't figure it out. I know that I certainly like to win however there are times where I also love to watch someone else as they reach their ultimate dream as well.
Maybe life isn't always about winning. Perhaps it's about experiencing what you're meant to experience, which might include losing. It might even include falling down, stumbling or outright failure (gasp!). I personally know that there are golden lessons contained in these challenges. In fact, I would argue that these are your most important lessons. In order to glean the learnings though you must be willing to sit in the centre of the storm with your heart wide open. This is the real challenge.
20 February 2010
More Whistler Quiet Beauty
Another brilliant sunrise up here in the mountains. When you step outside you can smell the smoke from the early morning fires that have started up. You can imagine all the pots of coffee that are brewing or perhaps already finished. It's a time of day where all things seem slower to me. That is probably in direct contrast to the reality in many houses where kids are racing around to get ready for school. Perhaps dogs need to be walked and lunches need to be made. Paradoxically, it is probably the time of the most chaos in a day.
There is power in paradoxes because they reveal stark insights if you are willing to see them. The paradox reveals one reality on the outside and another more provocative and contrasting insight on the inside. All is not how it seems. In fact, it is usually the opposite. That's the power. The answers that you seek are generally right in front of you and usually contained within a paradox in your situation. But you have to be aware of this, looking for it and not resistant to seeing the obvious in the obscure.
19 February 2010
Another Whistler Morning
My God the sunrises are beautiful here. It seems to be such a paradoxical contrast to any of life's challenges. The sun doesn't care if you are having challenges in your life, it still rises and sets. In fact, some of the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets that I have ever seen have been during times of incredible challenge. It's almost bittersweet.
Maybe that's the point. Perhaps the beautiful sunrise is meant to contrast the challenges in life so as to act as beacon of faith; a gentle reminder that there is always beauty even in the midst of chaos. One just needs to focus on it, look for it and see it despite how challenging that may actually be. There is always beauty to see.
18 February 2010
Whistler Beauty
How do you describe a sunrise in the Whistler mountains without using the word "beautiful" a million times? Impossible. It is so stunning here. The sun is in full glory. I can't wait to get out on the mountain and soak up some of that sun and do some skiing. For some reason, the Whistler sun infuses me with feel-good vibes. Perhaps it that plus the spirit of the Olympics that is everywhere in this small little town.
It's going to be a great day!
17 February 2010
It was a stunning morning in Vancouver today. And yet, it was freezing out. I guess it is a trade off. In order to see the beautiful clear blue sky during the sunrise you have to give up the warmth that the cloud cover usually provides. It is an interesting choice. Blue sky and cold or gray sky and warmth?? I choose blue sky and cold and that's what I got this morning.
As with all things, even the Olympics seems to have picked up a rhythm now so there is more flow. Or perhaps I am over my jet lag and loosened up a bit so I have more flow and now that is projected out :) Either way, there is flow. It's amazing how much flow we can spot when we are looking for it. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.
16 February 2010
Gray and Wet
Classic Vancouver sunrise today - blanketed in a thick layer of low cloud. There was no rising of any sun just a general increase in daylight. I had a beautiful walk along the seashore today during this time. It always amazes me how beautiful Vancouver can be even in the darkest fog and rain. I was focusing on what was "right" in my life.
After a few minutes I started to notice other things in my periphery that were also "right" and beautiful. The colour of the grass this time of year is pure emerald green. The purple and yellow crocuses are in full bloom. And then, the clouds began to break and the blue sky began to appear and I could see the rays of the sun. It was there all along, right in front of me.
After a few minutes I started to notice other things in my periphery that were also "right" and beautiful. The colour of the grass this time of year is pure emerald green. The purple and yellow crocuses are in full bloom. And then, the clouds began to break and the blue sky began to appear and I could see the rays of the sun. It was there all along, right in front of me.
15 February 2010
Golden Morning
Last night I witnessed history-in-the-making as Canada finally won a gold medal on home soil while hosting the Olympics. It was an awesome and emotion-filled moment. You could feel the energy in all the people around watching and experiencing the same elation.
This morning I was lucky enough to spend my morning sunrise hike on Bowen Island, BC. This place used to be my home and I swear that a part of my soul still resides here. As I walked along the edge of the ocean I was treated to a familiar sight of the north shore mountains as the morning sun began to light up the sky. There was a high cloud which is common this time of year and it acted as a veil to the full strength of the sun. However, the air was crisp and the view spectacular. It didn't really matter what the sun did. I was just happy to be here. I think that's a good way to start my day!
14 February 2010
More Olympics
Canada won its first medal last night and we were there. It was a silver but we were hoping for gold. Sometimes the sun comes up and I think it's going to be awesome and the sunrise is mediocre at best. I was teaching my kids how to handle the disappointment of losing gold. It is a universal experience: having expectations that are not met.
I have got to get better at handling such disappointment myself. Perhaps that is why I keep getting tested in the same manner. It's still cloudy in Vancouver but I suspect the sun will appear in the next couple day. I suppose I should stop expecting it and it will happen naturally. In the meantime, I will enjoy what I have.
I have got to get better at handling such disappointment myself. Perhaps that is why I keep getting tested in the same manner. It's still cloudy in Vancouver but I suspect the sun will appear in the next couple day. I suppose I should stop expecting it and it will happen naturally. In the meantime, I will enjoy what I have.
13 February 2010
The sun made an appearance this morning in Vancouver. I have to admit that I was surprised. It was supposed to rain all day but the sun did peak through the clouds. Today is first day of the Olympics and the whole world is in Vancouver to showcase excellence. I love this feeling. I'll let you know how it feels when I get down to the action.
12 February 2010
The sun even rises on the day the Winter Olympics start. We are heading out to Vancouver this morning and very much looking forward to enjoying the spirit of the Games. The sunrise was beautiful today but I didn't have much time to enjoy it. Somehow getting on a plane with a family of four is slightly distracting. Maybe I missed the point. Perhaps I should have taken more time to watch that beautiful sunrise.
The next 14 sunrises will take place in Vancovuer, a place where we lived for 10 years. My children were born there and I love going back. We'll see how many times we actually see the sun at daybreak because Vancouver has a habit of clouding over. However, every once in a while it more than makes up for it!
The next 14 sunrises will take place in Vancovuer, a place where we lived for 10 years. My children were born there and I love going back. We'll see how many times we actually see the sun at daybreak because Vancouver has a habit of clouding over. However, every once in a while it more than makes up for it!
11 February 2010
Clear Sailing
It was a textbook sunrise this morning. I always marvel how such a sunrise can emerge after a few days of storms and dark clouds. Everything passes.
I sometimes forget this fact and get wrapped up on the drama of everyday life. Take this morning for example. A regular chaotic morning before school. Yet, this morning, I am less equipped to deal with it because I am tired. It always seems to be worse when I am tired. Or perhaps being tired calls the situation into being. Either way, as I look out on the sunrise, I am reminded that everything will pass. So I take a deep breath and relax my body and head back into the kitchen to move the morning along.
I sometimes forget this fact and get wrapped up on the drama of everyday life. Take this morning for example. A regular chaotic morning before school. Yet, this morning, I am less equipped to deal with it because I am tired. It always seems to be worse when I am tired. Or perhaps being tired calls the situation into being. Either way, as I look out on the sunrise, I am reminded that everything will pass. So I take a deep breath and relax my body and head back into the kitchen to move the morning along.
10 February 2010
Snowy Blowy
Cold today. Very windy. Sunrise was almost nonexistent (i.e. very dark clouds). And yet, I had a good day. Hmmmm. The sun did it's thing despite the circumstances and so did I. Amazing how that happens.
I feel slightly pressured today with the amount of work to do but I just keep focusing on the important things and it all seems to get done. I think that's the important part - just focus on what needs to get done next and the next step appears exactly when you need it.
I feel slightly pressured today with the amount of work to do but I just keep focusing on the important things and it all seems to get done. I think that's the important part - just focus on what needs to get done next and the next step appears exactly when you need it.
09 February 2010
This morning, I needed balance. Apparently, so did the sun. There was an equal amount of clouds and clear sky space. The sky wasn't too red or too orange but just enough to warrant a second glance and a sigh. Which is what I did when I watched the sunrise from my bedroom window. I needed a break too.
I'm getting better at recognizing this - giving myself a break when I need it. Oddly enough, a small break gives me enough of a recharge to meet my challenges for the day. It doesn't take much, I am noticing, to get what I need. Perhaps I had been trying too hard all along.
I'm getting better at recognizing this - giving myself a break when I need it. Oddly enough, a small break gives me enough of a recharge to meet my challenges for the day. It doesn't take much, I am noticing, to get what I need. Perhaps I had been trying too hard all along.
08 February 2010
This morning, I couldn't help but notice the ice formations at the edge of the lake, on top of the rocks and generally all around the water. It didn't look to me like the ice was struggling in any way at all. Yet, there were ice formations that were completely vertical suspended between two railings. Seemingly impossible and yet plainly in view. The rocks were coated in ice so much so that they looked like giant cakes covered in a glaze icing. It was seem nearly impossible to get the ice to freeze so uniformly and yet I was looking right at it.
I think the key to the ice's success is small steps over time. The ice doesn't form in an instant. Rather, it takes repeated motions of the water combined with the perfect temperature which allows the water to freeze in place. Each time the water retraces it's steps over the same place a little bit more water freezes. In the end, we are left with a beautiful frozen structure that seems to defy gravity. Smalls steps, consistent action and a vision of some beautiful outcome. Maybe the ice is smarter than we think?
07 February 2010
This morning when I got up, the moon was high in the sky. It was about 1/4 full and waning. It was reflecting the light of the soon-to-be-risen sun. I can't help but notice their partnership. There is no struggle in the partnership between the sun and the moon. When they are both at their strength then they rise in opposition to each other to allow for the maximum expression. Yet, when the moon is dark it virtually rises at the same time as the sun. Perhaps this is to eek out any possible light reflection during the phase of the new moon. Perhaps they leverage each other's strengths.
What if we did that? What if we recognized our strength and those of the people around us and then organized ourselves so as to maximize on those strengths. I think we could be rid of a lot of the unneeded tension and strife we experience. We could work with the natural polarity of the world and channel the energy towards maximum creativity and productivity. I suspect that life would also be easier, with more flow.
What if we did that? What if we recognized our strength and those of the people around us and then organized ourselves so as to maximize on those strengths. I think we could be rid of a lot of the unneeded tension and strife we experience. We could work with the natural polarity of the world and channel the energy towards maximum creativity and productivity. I suspect that life would also be easier, with more flow.
06 February 2010
It was cold this morning. I mean really really cold. And yet, the sun still rose, still did it's thing. Why is the temperature not affected by the sun? Weird. How many conditions do I put on my work? I can't work when it's noisy. I can't work when it's cold. I can't work when I'm distracted. I noticed that the sun didn't have those restrictions. The sun just shows up every day at the appointed time and does the shining.
What would it look like if I did the same thing? What if I just showed up every time and did my work, without questions, excuses or distractions? How much would I be able to accomplish? How many people could I impact? Great questions. I think I will try it this week. Just show up and do my work!
What would it look like if I did the same thing? What if I just showed up every time and did my work, without questions, excuses or distractions? How much would I be able to accomplish? How many people could I impact? Great questions. I think I will try it this week. Just show up and do my work!
05 February 2010
The sun never alters who it is. It never compromises, never changes and never worries about what other people think. Even when the sun causes sun burns it doesn't change. Yet, how often do I dilute myself when confronted with challenging people or circumstances. I realize that this only hurts me in the long run. And, it ultimately shows up as a projection in the people around me.
I realize that I have, in the past, altered who I was in order to fit into some perceived expectation of the people around me. Eventually this alteration has come back to haunt me and I have found myself feeling powerless as a result. The only way out has been to reclaim the part of me that I thought I had to negate. This isn't always easy. However, it is usually the only way to freedom. Be who you are, no matter what. Anything less won't work. Trust me.
04 February 2010
Waiting for It
I am so glad that I did. The sunrise was nothing short of spectacular. It started out breathtaking. The sky was red from the very first light of dawn. I thought it was beautiful at that point. But what astonished me was how good it actually got as the sunrise progressed. By the time the sun actually rose, the entire sky was red, gold, pink and purple. It got better as it went along. I was struck with the realization of how I often write something off as being prematurely finished when perhaps if I just wait a little longer it will get better than I could ever have imagined. This gives me hope on the days that I struggle. Maybe something amazing is just around the corner??
03 February 2010
Have you ever noticed that the sun never rises halfway? It doesn't come up and then change its mind. It's an all or nothing effort. Even if it's cloudy or foggy or snowy or rainy, the sun always rises and does the best it can with what it has to work with. This morning we had an absolutely stunning sunrise despite the fog and mist that is so common at this time of year in Santa Monica. The sun just kept on rising and eventually the fog gave way.
This principle also serves me well in my life. Playing at 100%. Life is more fun and things just turn out better when I play at 100%. It doesn't matter what I am doing. Giving it my fullest effort (and then some) is the point. I heard a quote at the Vemma convention last week. The speaker said "don't give it all YOU'VE got...rather, give it all IT TAKES". What a powerful distinction. How many times have I given up at 99%? It's a great question to ask - not to belittle my efforts but rather to notice how often I give up on my dream, how often I give up on my 100%. Today, I will play full out and give life what it takes to be awesome!
02 February 2010
Onwards and Upwards
It was very cloudy and foggy this morning when I awoke in Bakersfield, California. As the sun was rising I was sitting in a TV studio doing an interview. When I went in to the studio it was pitch dark and when I came out it was daylight. Just like that. No buildup at all.
We talked about stress on the TV show and how it is a decision. It was dark when I arrived at the studio this morning and as a result, I couldn't really see the addresses. I ended up at NBC instead of ABC. Oops. But, not worry, I just used some of my own techniques and solved my problem. Thankfully, the techniques worked and I was calm and relaxed for my interview. There was a time when a little mishap like that would have knocked me over. Perhaps I am growing after all.
01 February 2010
Standard Day
It was just a regular red and gold bursting into sunrise day here in the dessert. These are work days. Days when the sun just rises and gets up over those mountains. I have a work day today too - a couple meetings and then a long drive through the high desert to California.
I'm in my traveling clothes and my music playlist is ready. It is a beautiful day and I will get a lot of great thinking done on this trip. It's amazing how good you can feel after a really long and peaceful sleep and some much needed downtime. A good attitude helps too. I think the attitude is easier to conjure up when you are rested and relaxed. I've come to scheduling this downtime into my calendar so it gets the priority it deserves.
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