The sunrises have also been amazing everyday. I wonder if the cold temperatures are related? Perhaps it's a bit of a trade-off? The air is definitely cold and crisp on those mornings which may add to the clarity and crispness of the sunrise. Ironically, it is a bit warmer today and the sky is clouded over. I wonder if we can have both? Warmth and clarity? Maybe that is the ultimate quest - to have it all. I can tell one thing - it definitely starts with belief.
30 April 2010
Cold and Sunny Spring
Spring came early this year. And then it lingered. We aren't used to such a long spring in Toronto. There is usually a final melting, a few weeks of cool temperatures and then we usually shoot straight into summer. This year, it feels more like Vancouver. The cold mornings and the cold nights continue to linger on. It is almost almost below ten degrees when I go walking in the morning. I am still wearing hats and mittens. I have noticed that I am getting tired of the mittens.
29 April 2010
Perfectly Balanced
What a stunning morning. As I set out to row this morning, I was greeted with the biggest, brightest full moon as she was setting in the western sky. This moon set was perfectly balanced with the fiery arrival of the sun in the eastern sky. I felt like I was in the centre of a teeter-totter. Balance was definitely the theme of my morning.
I haven't rowed in about a decade and I haven't been an "8" since university. But that's exactly what I did this morning at sunrise. It was awesome. There is nothing like a group of 8 people all pulling the water in the same direction. The power and the synchronicity is why I love it. The issue in the boat this morning was balance. The starboard rowers were pulling too high forcing us port side rowers down. Basically, the boat was off-balance. No balance = more work. After a few quick instructions from the coach, we were in balance. The boat feels like its flying when it is in balance. I love that feeling. Balance isn't a static state. Quite the contrary! Balance is a dynamic state where every little movement changes the situation. Balance requires presence. The reward for balance is seemingly effortless results.
28 April 2010
Bright and Sunny
What a great morning. It's so bring and sunny out there. There are streaks of white clouds but they only add to the beauty in the sky. I think the sun uses these clouds to take momentary breaks from shining all morning long. They are like little "siesta" clouds. I like this idea.
It probably really applies to us as well. We work hard and then take a little break and then work hard again and then take another break. I have had a very busy week and it's only Wednesday. Having a little "siesta" time makes all the difference in my energy levels. There have been a few days this week where I thought I wasn't going to get everything done. But, when I dug deeper I found a few more resources. Remember, it's not enough to give everything you've got, sometimes you have to give everything it takes!
27 April 2010
When I walked out to see the sunrise this morning I had this strange feeling that I had seen it before. Is it possible that I have finally seen so many sunrises that I have seen a duplication? It can't be. It was at that point in time that I started looking for differences. I found many. There were many different birds flying around and loons diving and playing. I also noticed that the sky was red in the opposite sky. What's that saying "red sky at dawn, sailors take warn"? Maybe it will be a stormy day?
It dawned on me (no pun intended) that even though it looks a lot like other sunrises, it is, in fact, quite different. There are so many things that I assume about life because they look similar and yet, they are different. Perhaps looking for the differences alerts the opportunities as well.
26 April 2010
I forget how efficient it can be to slow down sometimes. I get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of to-do lists and deadlines that I forget that there is real power in slowing down and expanding my awareness. Usually, this allows for all of my senses and faculties to pick up on the subtle clues that lead directly to my success. I'll be on the slow train today.
25 April 2010
The Other Direction
Sometimes what we are looking for is right behind us. The sunrise was absolutely breathtaking this morning. The entire sky was aglow with orange, gold and red. I couldn't take my eyes off it. The rest of the sky was overcast and grey preparing for the rainy day ahead. I was deep in thought this morning trying to work through a current challenge. I was asking for help when a friend of my suggested that perhaps I need to look in the opposite direction. It was meant as a metaphor as in perhaps the answer to my problem wasn't to be found in front of me.
However, at that same moment, I also happened to turn my attention away from the stunning sunrise just as the fiery sun broke the horizon. I turned away from the wind and focused on the grey storm clouds in the western sky. At that exact moment, the most beautiful and enormous rainbow appeared. The colours grew stronger as the sun continued to rise above the horizon. I was speechless. On a day when most everybody would be glued to the vision of the sunrise, a most beautiful vision was available in the other direction for those people who chose to look around.
24 April 2010
Crisp and Clean
What a beautiful morning out there. It was cold but not too cold. The warmth of the sunrise was just enough to take the edge off. The sun was exactly what I needed this morning. I am so grateful that it rose in the regular fashion. I send out a quote of the day everyday to thousands of people all over the world. Today, the quote was this:
"Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time."
~Betty Smith
That's exactly what I did this morning when I was walking. I was so appreciative that the sun had risen and was warming me up even though it usually does this every day. In a way, it was taking the mundane and viewing it as extraordinary. In taking this action in one small area of my life, I have now set my focus to repeat this action in other areas today. It usually leads to amazing experiences. I will seek the extraordinary in the ordinary today and see what happens.
23 April 2010
Inner Beauty

I had lunch yesterday with an amazing woman. At one point we were discussing my goals and dreams. She had me STOP and just feel into the reality of those goals. Just BE. Even though I teach this work and write about these concepts, there was something so simply powerful about having someone else direct my attention to BEING in the moment. I got very clear on my own inner strength and power. The answers seemed obvious and the next steps emerged with almost no effort. It was a gentle reminder from a beautiful soul. I'm paying it forward by sharing the story with you. Imagine your deepest desire as if its happening right now. There is nothing missing. Just BE!
22 April 2010
Often the best experiences are unexpected! You need to expect the unexpected. This way of thinking is paradoxical. Beautiful things happen when you least expect them. The paradox is that you have to expect the unexpected!
21 April 2010
Ugly Ducklings
The sunrise this morning was kind of bland; a non-event. There was hardly any colour and very few clouds to bounce the light. In fact, when the sun did actually rise, I almost missed it. It was at that moment that the paradox struck me. How could I ever consider this event as just "ordinary"? It is pretty amazing that the sun, the source of life on this planet, rises everyday. Good thing it never skips a day!
What if I took this view with everything else that I consider "ordinary"? Could I find the miraculous in the mundane? What effect would this have on my focus? Would it enable me to expand my gratitude such that I would draw to me more and more abundance? I think so. When I really looked at it, the sunrise was actually spectacular after all!
What if I took this view with everything else that I consider "ordinary"? Could I find the miraculous in the mundane? What effect would this have on my focus? Would it enable me to expand my gratitude such that I would draw to me more and more abundance? I think so. When I really looked at it, the sunrise was actually spectacular after all!
20 April 2010
Again, I am reminded of the fact that falling into a common habit is so easy and so, well... habitual. But this practice, when done unconsciously, can also lead to stagnation and repetition. It's the stuff that "ruts" are made of. Now when I move to find some new photo spots for the morning sunrise, I will be reminded that I should also be searching for the newness in each day and in each opportunity. It may not be immediately obvious but a slight alteration of my perspective could be the catalyst for something dramatically different.
19 April 2010
Comfort Zone
I had an interesting experience this morning. My house was chaos at the crack of dawn because my siblings and their families were all departing for various flights this morning. I missed my usual routine of enjoying the stillness of the dawn and going for my sunrise walk. They left in a flurry of activity at 6:30 which is precisely when the sun was rising. It was an absolutely beautiful morning. I opted to skip the morning walk and spend time with my own already-awake family. But another reason that I opted out of my morning walk is that beautiful sunrises have become my "norm" so I wasn't that concerned with missing one.
Yikes! What an eye opener for me. I have actually reached a comfort zone with respect to beautiful sunrises. So much so that I was willing to miss one. Where else do I do this in my life? Later this morning I got to thinking, what if this morning's sunrise was the all-time best sunrise ever and I missed it because I was in the "sunrise comfort zone." Bang! Cosmic two by four! I am so grateful for the experience and insight. You can be darn sure that I will be out there front and center tomorrow morning waiting for the sun with new found enthusiasm.
18 April 2010
I assumed this morning was going to be devoid of a sunrise because it had been raining all night and the forecast was for more overcast. Since I am facing the west when I start out walking then the sky is always dark in front of me. However, this time I happened to notice a building way off in the downtown skyline. It looked like it had all of its lights on which was odd for 6:30am on a Sunday. What I quickly realized was that it must actually be the reflection of the sun on the windows. I instantly turned around to see a beautiful band of gold peeking through a slit in the completely overcast sky. What a treat!
I would have missed it if I wasn't paying attention to what got my attention - in this case, the lit-up windows of a downtown office building. I also learned a valuable lesson about assumptions (again). I had written off this morning because someone else told me that the sky would be overcast. It wasn't even that difficult to determine for myself. I just had to pay attention and take some relatively effortless action. My efforts were rewarded with such a beautiful sight. The band of gold only lasted about 10 minutes and then it was gone. Lucky for me I didn't stick to my assumptions this morning.
17 April 2010
The sun was totally blocked today and yet there was a beautiful sky in the western dierection. Even the sunrise can make lemonade out of a lemon of a day! It is one of those weird days where it rains and it's sunny at the same time.
It is a form of versatility and a good quality to have. We could al use more flexibility and today the sun reminded us how!
It is a form of versatility and a good quality to have. We could al use more flexibility and today the sun reminded us how!
16 April 2010
I think the sun knew it was going to rain later today because it was pretty much hiding for the entire sunrise period. There were little wisps of pink and orange above the clouds but it wasn't a full effort. About 2 hours later the rain started falling and the sky was almost overcast. I feel the same way in my own head. I'm busy today but not with anything serious. It's mostly just putsy stuff but it's the stuff that holds space in my head preventing me from really being able to focus.
I got a new iphone this week. Until now I have resisted being able to get my email on a phone. Mostly because I didn't want it to distract me but also because I just don't want to be that accessible. I have to admit that I love this thing. I don't have it on "automatic" email so I still control when I check it. However, I notice that I am MUCH less dependant on my computer now. I like this. I'm sure there are still a million other benefits that are waiting to be discovered. Perhaps change isn't such a bad thing :)
15 April 2010
The lower part of the sky was totally overcast today. This can sometimes means a spectacular sunrise. However, today was not that day. I think the cloud was too thick meaning it rose too high in the sky to have an impact on the sunrise. It's as though the sun was sleeping in and using the cloud cover as a way to prolong its appearance.
I tried to do that this morning.I tried to "justify" not getting up. I had a late night and could easily have slept another 30 minutes or so. However, I also know that I NEED my morning walk otherwise I feel scattered all day. So, I just "do it" as they say. I put two feet on the floor and start moving. After about 1 minute I can't believe I even thought about skipping it. Inertia is a powerful force but just remember that once you are moving it is very hard to stop you :)
14 April 2010
There was no fanfare today. There were no clouds, no streaming bands of light, no golden halos. There was nothing unusual about the sunrise today. It was textbook. Basic. Simple. The sky got gradually lighter and the sun burst over the horizon at the prescribed time. It took less than a few minutes for the whole sun to begin its ascent into the sky. At this point, the sun was yellow and the day had begun. It was neat and clean.
I like days like this. It's similar to a day where you knock a pile of things off that long list of things to do. You just put your head down and get the work done. There is no fanfare, no drama and no struggle. It's a "doing" day. You don't need to think or to reach into the depths of your creativity. You just need to get things done. The great part about this type of day is that it usually clears the psychic energy so a really big idea can be born. Clearing away the clutter and getting the job done is a necessary step in the creative process. Enjoy the productivity.
13 April 2010

I always find it fascinating that Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes, can ever be still. Today it was dead calm. It was as though I was at some quaint cottage lake instead of standing on the edge of the 14th largest lake in the world with a length of 311km and a width of 85km. Dead calm. As in, I could see the bottom all along the shore. The birds were plentiful as usual but they were flying right above the stillness almost testing how close they could get in the absence of any waves.
I got to thinking that if even the Great Lake Ontario could find stillness then perhaps I could too. Perhaps it is closer than I think. But even more importantly, perhaps stillness is not something to be achieved or even yearned for on a daily basis. Perhaps that is unrealistic. Instead, stillness is to be cherished when it is discovered; usually when you least expect it. Just notice the stillness when it is there and don't worry about it when it's not. I guarantee that it's not far away and that it will be there when you need it the most.
12 April 2010
I watched the sunrise from my window this morning. It was gorgeous. Normally, I walk in the mornings but this morning, I needed to rest. Every once in a while I come across a day where I just need to stop. Today (well, actually yesterday) was one such day. Last night, I went to bed well before my children at around 7pm and slept until almost 6. Then, I made some tea and stayed in to watch the sun rise.
There is still a little voice in my head that says that I "should" be out there. This voice used to be very loud but now I just notice it, give it a hug and take of what really matters to me. This little voice used to be very judgmental but not so much anymore. Each time I reinforce what I really need and take care of what really matters then the voice gets a little smaller each day. So now, I notice when I need to rest because even the sun takes time off when it sets from my horizon.
11 April 2010

At first glance, I thought it was going to be one of the most spectacular sunrises ever because there were thin layers and wisps of clouds. It was a beautiful sunrise but it wasn't a record-breaker. I wonder if the sun put in a decent effort but not a "leave-it-on-the-court" kind of effort. I can relate. I think of all the times where I could have given more than I had and for some reason, I just didn't. I am reminded of a quote that I heard and I love: "Don't give it all you've got. Rather, give it all it takes!". Good reminder on that one this morning.
10 April 2010

From my eyes, the sky looked uniformly gold. Yet, through the picture I noticed a distinct circular glow. It was so pretty. I'm glad that I took a good look at that photo because it gave me another thing to be grateful for during my morning walk. A few minutes later the sky burst up over the horizon and all the shading and colouring in the sky vanished almost instantaneously. Then, it was business as usual. I almost missed the glowing halo. Thank goodness for the perspective of the camera.
09 April 2010

It always comes down to focus. There will always be infinitely more things to focus on than what you are able to focus on. Therefore focus is ALWAYS a choice. You might not be making a conscious choice but something (or someone) is doing the choosing. As soon as you get conscious to this fact then you become truly free to focus on whatever you WANT. And focusing on what you want will always bring more of the same to your attention. Simply shifting from being led by your stimuli and your environment to being the director of your focus can change your life completely.
08 April 2010
Stormy Stormy
There was no sunrise today. In fact, there is still no sun and it doesn't look like it will ever come out again. I know that being overly dramatic but some days it really can get so dark that I start to wonder if the sun is gone for good. Obviously, it's not. I happen to know that it's out there hiding behind the clouds. I know that if I went up in an airplane it would be the most glorious sunny day ever. It all depends on your perspective.
Perspective is a very powerful concept. From one angle, everything can look hopeless. Yet, simply by changing vantage points, a whole new possibility can emerge. I often think that all problems can be solved by the appropriate shift in perspective. Now which perspective to choose is a bit trickier but I bet if you focus on finding the perspective that includes the solution that eventually it will present itself right to you.
07 April 2010
Window of Opportunity
It was a weird sunrise this morning. The sky was mostly overcast and grey (and it was cold). But at some point I turned around to see a burning red sun peeking through a break in the clouds. It was well after sunrise so it was odd that the sun was still red. I wanted to take a picture of it but by the time I got in a good spot the sun had disappeared into the overcast abyss again. I had missed my opportunity.
It makes me think of all the other opportunities that have passed me by because I wasn't ready or willing to take action when required. Many people think that success is being at the right place at the right time but that's only half of it. You also need to take action. Without action it is just an opportunity passing you by.
It makes me think of all the other opportunities that have passed me by because I wasn't ready or willing to take action when required. Many people think that success is being at the right place at the right time but that's only half of it. You also need to take action. Without action it is just an opportunity passing you by.
06 April 2010
The Day Off
The sun is taking the day off today to make way for the rain which the flowers and grass so desperately need. Everything in its time and place. There's no struggle and no problem with this normal cycle. The earth needs the rain as much as we enjoy the sun.
It's the same in life. We need to take care of what needs taking care of to ensure that it is working properly and at maximum capacity. We can't stay on one track forever. Everything has its time and place. The little things need attention and can often be the difference between a good job and a great job. What little thing do you need to focus on today that would make a world of difference?
05 April 2010
Late Showing
The most beautiful part of the sunrise today was well after the sun had risen. I suppose it had to do with the fact that there was a lot of cloud cover except in the part of the sky that the sun passed through about 30 minutes after sunrise. When it got to this break in the cloud, it downlit the lake and the surrounding sky with the most beautiful golden orange glow. The top of the lake looked like a jewel. It was really gorgeous.
I wonder how many people who were out at sunrise missed this beautiful display because it didn't happen right away. I wonder how many other times I give up on something before it has had a chance to come to fruition. Better late than never springs to mind as a cliche that is worth remembering. Some things just take a little longer to reach their full potential. It doesn't mean they won't. Sometimes all it takes is time and patience.
04 April 2010
Easter Beauty
This is a time for renewal; for rebirth; for creation. A time when we can start over and begin a new cycle. This is a good time to create new habits, behaviours and beliefs. Spring is a time of new birth, the most physical part of the creative process - the time when ideas make their first appearance in the physical world.
03 April 2010
Slow Entry
There was a small band of cloud on the horizon this morning which prevented any spectacular sunrise display. Above this band, the sky was striped pink and blue in the softest pastel shades. It was pretty but not spectacular. There was a very narrow strip beneath the band where you could catch a glimpse of the red sun as it broke across the horizon. But then it disappeared into the band. I think the sun was sort of "sleeping in". It has been busy on this long weekend shining away and providing the most spectacular days. I have a feeling it just needed a few more minutes this morning so it hid behind the band of clouds.
I get that. There are some days where I just need some time to myself. I use this time to recharge and collect myself so I can be more present and more available to what is happening around me. I find that if I shortchange myself on this time then it ends up biting me in the behind. There are times where it is an effort to carve out this time for myself but I always find that it is well worth the effort.
02 April 2010
Bring in the New
The sky looked like an artist's canvas this morning and the sunrise appeared to be a watercolour of pastel pink, purple and blue. When the sun finally broke the horizon it was a brilliant contrast of deep red against the pink sky.
It's spring here and today the temperature is forecast to be in the twenties. This is highly unusual for April and yet welcomed in a big way. I love spring because it signifies new growth and new life. Even projects that were uninteresting take on a new life in the spring. It's a great time to clean things out and get stuff done. The energy in the spring is forceful. The same energy that can push a small plant through the earth into the sunlight is available for us to use to move forward.
01 April 2010
Clean Slate
The sky was so beautiful this morning. It was a mixture of blue, purple and pinks. The orange sun set off quite a contrast to the soft pastel palette. The sky around the sun was stunningly clear. The streaks from passing airplanes looked like fresh chalk marks on a clean chalkboard. The lines were so distinct.
Every day is a clean slate. You get a chance to write and rewrite the story of your life each and every day. In fact you get to do this each and every second of every minute of every day. Your life is a choice. Well, a series of choices actually. You always have the power to make a different choice. Today is the first day of April. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. What will I choose to create on this beautiful clean slate?
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